Thursday, April 30, 2015

Abstract poop art

Art 69 (it is post 70 but we celebrate post 69 like this okay?)

I was feeling more than autistic today so I tried abstract art and now I am a renown artist. I am the poop of my sword. I am the pen of the toilet. I am the trash of all cans. I am the vomit of all pukes. I am the pee of all urine. I am the Barack of Obama. I am the Bush of George Jr. I am the melting steel to the Twin Towers. I am the 9 to the 11. I am the NSA to my secrets. I am the diarrhea of the constipation. I am the power of the remote control. I am the looser of all losers. I am the light of the electricity. I am the Darwin of my selection. I Am the tortoise to my squirtle. I am the pikachu to my Charizard. I am the Mario to my Wario. I Am the war to my peace. I am the settlement to my nomadic style. I am the bone of my poop. I am the crap to my crab. I am the clog to the toilet. I am the toilet to the circle. I am the Matrix to my Inception. I am Leo DiCaprio to Neo. I am Keanu Reeves to Jim Carrey. I Am the Ace to my Mask. I am Madara to the Kyuubi. I am kyubey to Madoka. I am the square to my root. I am the Tokyo to my Ghoul. I am the peanut to my butter. I am the cherry to my pie. I am the poem to my essay. I am the fart to my cloud. I am the nitrogen to my phosphorous. I am the water to my cycle. I am the blood of my anus. I am the stains to my brief. I am the brief of my case. I am the case of my closed. I am the popular to the mainstream. I am the hipster to my apple. I am the apple to my Newton. I am the pascal to my square meter. I am the acre to my Hectare. I am the Hector to the Hercules. I am the Zeus to reproduction. I am a cell to mitosis. I am amoeba to my q tips. I am the q to my a. I am the w to my d. I am the D to a babe. I am the babe to a pork. I am the pork to a ham. I am the jam to my space. I am the bunny to my play. I am the Xbox to the PC. I am the Gaben  to my Lord. I am the lord of the land. I am the land of manure.  I am manure to my compost. I am the compost to my life. I am the life of my boredom. I am the kill of the 360 no scope. I am the sniper to my rifle. I am the trigger of Tumblr. I am the instagram of my facebook and the whatsapp to my Line. I am the Traffic to the windows. I am the widows to the cats. I add the crazy to the bureau. I am the FBI of the class. I have no need to continue. I am the continue to my heed. I am the nimbus to my epidermis. I Am the fat to my muscle. I am the abs to my tip. I am the tip of the waiter. I am the money to the poor. I am the flush to the rainbow. I am the rainbow to the spirit. I have problems to myself. I still write for this blog. I am the blog to my adsense, and adsense to my 0 balance check account. I am the employee to the month. I am the promotion of no one. I am the manager to the poop. I am tired of writing. I think I might stop here, but......
I am the poop to my poop to your poop to thine poop to thy poop to our poop to his poop to her poop to its poop to the aliens poop. 
I am Illuminati poop. I draw circles in the toilet because those are the messages that the aliens send me, I don't know why the aliens throw poop at me at night I don't know if my dreams are the results of the prophecy that might be fulfilled in the not so near future of poop. I am the feed to my poop and the poop to my food.  I am not on drugs yet okay?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Frustration poop

Why is poop so hard to get out?

Pooping is hard, your life is hard, my life is hard, the dog's life is hard, we are all going to die, maybe pooping maybe peeing maybe just by a bullet.
When bullets fly through your head, you may not notice but bullets have poop. YES poop. How do you ask? No? okay.. I won't tell you then :(

Let's start again:

When toilets get hard because of reasons unknown to mankind only to poop and illnesses, your life gets harder. You can't poop as you have always pooped, you must be careful not to clog the toilet, and flood the bathroom.  If you flood the bathroom floor, the titanic may not sink, and the poor Iceberg will not be Jewish.

When the toilet clogs and you have diarrhea your ideal day goes down, you must go and seek another toilet to clog and blame on some one else, and that my friend is a lie.
A lie that will provide you comfort and nirvana.
Maybe Kurt Cobain didn't suicide maybe he just drown in his own diarrhea. Diarrhea isn't that bad but in this case, it is.

See what I am writing about is about the frustration of not been able to find a theme to write about and just scribble random thoughts that come when you listen to music or farts.
And this frustration inhibits your creative process when pooping. So to fight this void you must poop again, from the start. Eat some fiber and wait and when you start pooping again normally that is the answer to life.

Life is poop and poop is life, never forget that my friend because your poop will led you to your success in the most awesome way.
Believe in your poop, not in yourself, believe in your toilet not in yourself, believe in yourself not in farts. Farts are evil and so are sharks.

Sharks poop differently, motivate yourself like a shark and  poop in a unique way.... and this is the end of this blog,
Here is the fabulous drawing.

What if poop wasn't real?

Is poop even real?

What if poop wasn't even here? Could we imagine poop as a solid? Is poop our friend or our neighbour? Why is google always correcting my "English grammar into american grammar"? Why  does poop have 16 shades of colour...?  I only drew 12 because life is hard you know life and time are expensive and you should know it when you go poop yourself in front of the other toilets. YOU better SPRAY ALL that diarrhea art EVERYWHERE, YOUR POOP MUST TOUCH THE SKY AS THE CLOUDS TOUCH THE GROUND. GET HIGH 

So what if poop came in different shades.... wait it does come in different shades. OMG REVELATIONS CAME FROM THE OUTSIDE OF MY MIND INTO MY HEART AND DOWN MY THROAT INTO THE LOWER INTESTINES to my anus and they pooped out into the mouth of Toilet-kun. 
So now that poop comes in shades we must know what each shade means and the direct effect in your romance and zodiac.  Okay?

so brown poop is for love and healthy living,and cancer okay?
now other brown poop is for death and healthy living and not cancer okay?
The other brown poop is for watermelons and racist jokes inside of your anus, and caprisun okay?
the other other brown poop is for watermelons seeds and enormous black coyotes and aquarius, K?
omg how many brown poops are there in life omg stop taking so  much medicine, and drugs Poop is not even the same without them okay?
White poop is for Nazis and Sagittarius, because of reasons not described in my brain right now okay?
Now gray poop is for 50 shades of gray because it is not sex but some feminism regulations about the objectification of your own line of production of poop and stuff okay?
Now the other gray poop is for having kids while reading stupid books like 40 shades of gray or 10 shades of gray or even watching that movie, omg what is wrong with you the actress isn't even sexy and the actor looks like a hash brown  ripped from the inside of Calvin Harris song OUTSIDE ft. Ellie goulding not the SUMMER one just the OUTSIDE one okay?

There is no black poop here because you only poop black when heroine touches your balls, okay?
And we're out of heroine okay?

You may think, wtf is wrong with you and why do you write without even realizing what are you writing about, and you are right I am wrong but I am right too, because now I am justifying myself for my stupid essays but this is not an essay it is just the result of too much laziness and boredom when pooping, if you have any suggestions to how to get better at pooping stuff out of my head please don't tell me, I don't like people who doesn't poop okay?
you better poop okay?
Poop and movies go together as toilet paper and water not mineral water that is what Germans drink okay?
and what happened to Germany? They don't have automatic Japanese toilets because they don't like them they prefer bouncing urine walls but whatever okay? Everyone has their own opinion okay?
And my poop is my poop your poop is your poop your shade describes yourself and your poop is the vivid image of your inner self okay?
Life is hard and time is slow and fast okay?
I wanted to make this a Jaden Smith quote but I couldn't because Toilet paper is out and I need to grab more and do the walk of shame dropping little baby poops of different shades down the aisle okay? 
here is the enormous piece of mesmerizing ART

Monday, April 27, 2015

Music poop

Poop producer

There are so many producers in the world but no one can be as imaginative and creative as Poop-producer or as its followers call it: "PP".

PP's music is as far known to every kind of poop in the world, no excuse me, the UNIVERSE. PP's tracks are transcendental, no music has gone that far. Is it as if Beethoven, Mozart and Avicii had an unborn child, then aborted it, and then cloned its poop into a enormous brain sized amazing and overwhelming new poop.  PP's education began with learning how to walk even though it had no legs, since poops have no legs.  Then PP went to college because it was a prodigy or a genius. Then it got a PhD in poop mythology and step parents psychology, since its major was translation and conventional analysis of microbiological organisms. Then PP realized that life is nonsense and began to use paint to deflect itself from society. When PP saw that paint was not the answer it downloaded PL Studio to try to make music. It started with just stupid doodles and melodies but now It has the greatest amount of knowledge to use the piano roll. Yeah just the piano roll...
You know why?
Because the piano rolls in the deep with more music inside of it and so the paper rolls and so the alien poops. 
Alienpoops began instructing PP to draw in the piano roll so that the message alienpaper rolls had was transmitted to human poop, now this message is still unclear since PP hasn't published any tracks yet. Although One day alienpoops and PP will rule the world of music, it is not today yet. 
PP tries more and more experimental sounds that are compatible with alienpoop music and message and massage. Life is poop and alienpoops see it in such a magnificent way that PP was caught mesmerized by the power of alienpoops language. 
We still hope to this day that alienpoop and PP will get through you as smooth as hot viscous semi solid diarrhea. 
Knowledge in poop is power as music in urine is not. 

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Motivational Monday toilet again....

Don't Stop

When you are pooping and you wipe and you wipe and you still wipe and there is still poop in the toilet paper piece, you are working out!
You work out every day, you work out your finger muscles, biceps, triceps, ass cheeks, face muscles (from frustration faces) and your heart. Good Cardio! Much wow...

IF you feel pain or soreness in your body from wiping, doing the same movement over and over, remember PAIN IS GAIN..
Not because morality, or you will smell later or bacteria and dangerous diseases that come from your intestines But because IT WILL ITCH, and THAT ITCH is the cause of all wars. What do you think  Hitler was thinking when he wanted to conquer Poland, it was not only his hatred for his own Jewish kind but also because HE DID NOT WIPE ENOUGH. HE HAD NO MOTHER TO TELL HIM HOW TO WIPE WHEN HE WAS LITTLE. HE WAS JUST A FREAKING ARTIST TRYING TO get better at painting so that he could wipe his ass with his beautiful paintings!!!
Why don't you get it!!!!
So when you get tired of doing the wiping process every time, think of something fun while doing it.
Today while wiping I thought about the Last Naruto Movie, not the Boruto one...
that movie was the closing for all of the NaruHina shippers out there like me!!
It was awesome and better than Avengers Age of Ultron (SERIOUSLY QUICKSILVER DIES SO EASILY, EVEN POOP LASTS LONGER ON PAPER!!!!)
Naruto and Hinata love love and stuff
So now that you forgot time and you realize you are bleeding from your anus because you stopped the poop from spreading into your toilet paper you can now lift your underwear and pants and continue sleeping. BUT You must realize that UNTIL YOU finish your JOB you MUST NOT STOP, because then the ITCH WILL HURT YOU FOREVER!

Another thought to have in mind while wiping yourself is "Why does everybody in films do not poop?"

Here is the amazing drawing:

So basically don't stop when you are tired of wiping yourself, stop when you are clean.... or clean enough... wut wut wut

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Poop Review: Avengers Age of Ultron

Yes Poop Reviews now....

***Huge spoilers if you are a sissy that complains about them***

The film starts like poop with Tony Scrap and everyone is together like nothing happened on Iron Man 3 and The Winter Soldier and Dark World.... Poop everywhere...  
The Hulk still a sissy now has sex with the black widow and Hawkeye has a family and it's tired and sissy poop stuff.  
The Scarlett Witch throws mindpoop to Tony STkja;rlaljkdk and he scared and poop and poop poop and so he creates Ultron with sissy Banner. Ultron same poop as always: "Human wrong Humans die Humans are the plague Humans blah blah blah.... crappy poop like that" 
Then Ultron goes against Avengers and throws poop at them. Some poop about Hulk been sissy again. And then Ultron creates Vision sperm. 
Vision sperm and egg not completed because poop reasons. Then Tony Stark and Captain Murica takes away vision body and poop in it.  Then Tony Stark, Puny Banner, and Thor conceive and give birth to their son The Vision and The Vision is Weird Looking poop.  
Then poop goes on special effects poop wow stuff....
Battle Ultron poop goes all over everywhere. A floating City/island  poops out... more battle effects much wow very sound... Not good enough to keep poop from flowing everywhere though....
More Allahu Akbar from Ultron and blows.....
Silver something poop dies,... Hulk runs like sissy away.... Iron Man goes away... agaaaaaaain....Thor floats away...  Shield complete again...  or something poops....
Captain America and Black Widow now are the mother and father of a healthy new avengers team: Flying Black Guy with wings, Flying Black Guy with armor, The Vision, and Scarlet Witch.
Mid-credits scene: Thanos poops out a bracelet or the infinity gauntlet and poops comes out of his mouth... 

Final scene... Spiderman? stupif fffff poops

So this is filmcritic poop and it's verdict:

Wut wut da poop?! 
In da comics there was some time traveling and inter-dimensional stuff and wolverine and spiderman and fantastic four and more hardcore stuff but whatever....
Why was Quicksilver so slow, X-men's quick silver was way better but whateversssssss.. Toilet paper flies faster sometimes.... 
So much Hype for nothing... Thor gets a gay scene with a black guy, supposedly to be the trailer for ragnarok?!!?
We barely see any poop coming out of Scarlett Johansson's Ass.... 
Hulk obviously will return but way to sissy omg he was so annoying and gay omg.....
Even babypoops that stay in your anus forever are not so annoying and gay....omg
The trailers give away too much action, I might say that Poop flushing in a three way competition with toilet paper and urine has more action....
Maybe I am just getting too old for this kind of poop crap films... 
Ultron was way hardcore in the Comics, in the movie he is just mmm like a bad Jarvis.... 
I think The Vision is as gay as in the comics hahaha 
There are some cool scenes where Captain America and Black Widow share the shield poop.
Why they did have to kill Quicksilver omg so bad so bad seriously so bad So slow he dies from bullets SERIOUSLYYYYYYYYYYY omg so bad
Although the first movie copied transformers 3, this one I don't know what copied but it didn't felt as good. Winter Soldier was a little bit better and Stan Lee Gets drunk by Thor. 
Samuel L. Jackson is really old.... 
HOW THE POOP DOES Robert Downey Jr. Grows so tall in the beginning scenes he is short and then in the last scene he is as tall if not, way taller than Captain America SERIOUSLY MARVEL WTF SERIOUSLY 
I don't know what more to say, 
6/10 IGN didn't read lol

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tsundere-poop! Poop motivation


Fast days go by, and today is furious. HOE HOE HOE HUE HUE HUE Kill me plz...

So you know when you poop and you poop hard enough to get all of your guts out, I'm saying guts out as in intestines, gallbladder, bladder, kidneys, urethra, ureters, vile, and spleen; yeah, no the lungs got out of my ass hole type.... I'm not that hardcore yet....
So when that happens, and you push and sweat and you feel the blood coming out and the poop struggling to get out and it feels like knives cutting your ass and you know you do not have to stop it there because if you stop you have to restart the pushing and pulling  process and yet you stop because your heart rate increases so much and hell ascends on you and heaven forgets you exist and you feel the flames all over you turning you into the demon you really are and yet AND YET the lovely poop doesn't come out.
Your faith in God maxes out and you claim GOD PLZ GED LOL PLZ DONT FERGET ME GED GED AM DEYING GED PLZ GED LET IT OUT GEEEED..... And then you realize there is no god that Nietzsche was right! (was it Nietzsche or Freud who said that?... who cares.. I care..I'm gonna google it.....plz wait.........................................................I was right it is Nietzsche... haha I still remember this stupid crap... psychological crap OOMG I'm going to draw the psychological poop next time yah yah yah..) so where was I? mmm mmm oh ok
So you realize there is no god now and that when you die from this awkward pooping session there is nothing but blackness and darkness and black stuff and nothing but in color black (colour black cause we're British/Australian/NZ/Indian/etc.. now....)
You begin to pass out and then you think maybe there is a God and I'm just forgetting the light that guides me and then you see the light at the end of the anus and you are sweating blood and you feel the heat in your heart and begin praising God because PART OF THE POOP CAME OUT And you are all believer now, You just got motivated and think you can push it all out... and you make your last effort, you think such motivational words like "Just do it-nike" "Push yourself harder everyday" "Life is 1% inspiration 99% perspiration", "Do the salamander" "Started from the bottom Now we here" "Wreck it Ralph" "My favourite anime is Cory in the House" "When is naruto going to end... why the poop is still running with boruto what tha thahthahthah" "what is wrong with me" "why is my life so hard" "When I sweep my room there is no dust and yet I keep cleaning" "Uptown funk you up uptown funk you up" etc ,etc et,cfa;ljf;lka
and think what a beautiful masterpiece came out of me... I must be an artist... and My talent is still hidden.....
So yeah that is the tsundere-poop
because: "It is not as If I want to stay stuck in your anus forever.... or something... STOP IT I didn't came out of your anus because I like you or anything YOU BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA"
this is getting really weabooish.... ok I'm okay with that....YOU BAKA
this is the drawing of how tsunderepoop-chan looks yelling at you for throwing it out to the toilet....
"It is not as if I want you to flush me YOU BAKA waaahhhh"

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

how to make senpai notice you

How to do that

You may try different things like:
 putting make up on
getting in shape
paint your nails
paint your lips
ignore senpai
kill senpai's family and friends
kidnapping senpai
break senpai's leg
break senpai's vertebrae
cut senpai's tongue
clip senpai's eye open
and then tell senpai to notice you with love


show senpai some poop love

How to do it:

Find some cute babypoop and show finger-senpai that you are mature enough to pull out the wiping of cute babypoop  with just you! yessss just you toilet paper piece you single toilet paper piece you are the one who can do it. You can show us how to make finger-senpai notice us! If Finger-senpai notices you Finger-senpai will be harsh enough to tear you when the dangerous process of wiping babypoop happens.
You are the legend toiletpaper piece you are my legend you are my hero you are THE hero Gotham toilets deserves.....

Finger-senpai will love you forever, and babypoop will be cute forever and all of you can be  happy family, and no one will have to die and you will save the earth our planet our poop our lives
You need to save the earth!!! You need to do it Toilet paper piece Don't use your swag you piece of toilet paper don't you ever do that again! If not the wiping process will get harsh and we'll bleed and babypoop will become rasterized and and and your computer will crash and then you will have to reboot it and re-install the OS AND YOU WILL FREAK OUT BECAUSE YOU LOST ALL YOUR POOP DRAWINGS AND THEN THE WORLD WILL COME TO AN END AND THEN YOU WILL START DRAWING MORE AND YOU WILL START A BLOG ABOUT THEM AND YOUR LIFE WILL BECOME THE REASON WHY YOU ARE DANCING IN THE MIRROR SINGING IN THE SHOWER LADA DEEE LADA DAA LADA DAAAA

here is da drawing drawn by meh

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Ninja poop!!!!

What is wrong with us?

What has become of our world? We pollute our toilets with madness and we contribute to the urinal warming!!! We need a hero! We need a hero to save us all! To Save us from the  liquid/gas/plasma poop !!!!  Ninja poop can do rasengan and ranseshuriken, naruto didn't taught it how to do it, it was.....some one else?
too bad naruto isn't ongoing anymore so we'll leave that as a mistery to solve.... some day... by someone... else... who cares....

So the rasenshuriken of the ninja poop is like more gas than air and it is not blue and you cannot see it because I didn't draw it. I didn't draw it cause.... maybe next time okay?

But now THere is a cool ninja poop there in the toilet bowl!
It never shows on!
even though you push and push and you fill that it went all out ! you see nothing NOTHING nothing!!!
ANd you may think right now: " Isn't this like ghostpoop?" and I'll tell you:""

and you know WHY IT ISN't like ghostpoop?""!"L#!#@!"


And that is ninja poop your saviour and your clogger you will die but poop doesn't and you will live and poop doesn't you know why?
YOU KNOW WHY>!>!>!???
scroll down for the answer plz

Well... I don't really know I am just a poop pooping poop every other poop... so...  tell me... plz

here is the drawing
heaters gonna heat  coolers gonna cool

Monday, April 20, 2015

Motivational Urine

Life is pee

"Life is 10%pee and 90% poop." By someone who doesn't pee enough.  What is wrong with people who don't pee like 45 times a day (minimum). What is wrong with this society? is this because morality has gone to far?? What has morality done to society ?
We need to return to the old days! When we could pee everywhere!! pee in the shower pee outside the shower pee after the shower pee before the shower pee during the shower!!!

What would your kids think of you??? what would your grand kids think of you?
They won't  understand poop or urine or pee!!!
The true nature of excretions! The golden liquid that comes out when you are suffering!!!
Life is nothing without pee!
But after all poop is always the leader so I think the quote is right!

You know nothing John Poop Snow Pee
Game of Thrones and poop mix good

Sunday, April 19, 2015

420 poop

420 poop it

It is time to forget about the mistakes made by previous generations and to continue on living towards a more greener future. A future where we AS poops ASS poops can poop weed not smoke it but poop it so that our poops can smoke it.  The toilet may get high also.  This is not a serious issue, if your toilet gets high you just have to jump okay?? 

That is life now, poop weed, it is organic and natural non gmo and non food!!
It is gluten free also! sugar free too? 
Maybe I don't know very well about that. 
Poop is free to decide if it gets high smoking weed or not because snoop dog or doge or dogg or doug or duououououogggguoguogugo  admits poop has needs. 

My poop has glaucoma and autism so weed cures that.It also drops the bass D D D D DDrrrrop the basss. 
Do alien poops smoke weed also?  Do bird poops smoke weed too? Do urine goes into space time continuum to control the black hole and relativity projects so that weed will be seen in Uranus?
Hard questions to answer. It is too soon to seek for revenge. It is too soon to fill the void. It is too soon to question time worms and how they affect the water cycle that contributes to the production of multiple sclerosis weed.  Are their particles clear enough so that meth contributes to leukocytes in the abdomen of glusynolates in weed? Is this real studies or are this just illuminati? We may never now. 

awesome as crack
wtu wut wut

Saturday, April 18, 2015



I hope it gets at least something :'(
I spent like 6xpoop hours on it, all of my life is my life's dream to make it.  I spent months drawing on paint and adobe illustrator, I spent half my life for this video.  I put everything on the line for this video, I even sold my poop, I DONATED POOP for THIS VIDEO. THIS IS MY LIFE NOW, I MAKE CRAPPY LITERALLY CRAPPY VIDEOS OF POOP. OMG Even the song is crappy. I don't know if this is excitement or extreme boredom. I don't know Some day maybe we poops we'll be famous or not whatever. LOL XOXOXOXOXO To virginity and beyond!!!

I lip sync like poop HAHA..... :'(
I tried to include all the major characters but whatever sorry father poop, jewish poop, bird poop, and othersssssss.

So I still have to write more so that people don't consider this spam so I am going to write the lyrics of the song :'(

I wanna really wanna stop
but I just got the taste of it
I feel like I could fly with the poop on the moon
so poop hold my crap  you like making me wait for it
I feel I could die walking up to the room, oh yeah

Late night, pooping expedition
but how'd we get in this position?
It's way too son, I know this isn't poop
But I need to tell you something

I really really really really really like you
And I want you  .Do you want me? Do you poop me too?
I really really really really really like you
And I want you Do you want me>?? Do you poop me too!!!

Oh did I poop too much!!?!?!?
I'm so below my head
When we're out of touch
I really really really really really like you
And I poop you! Do you poop me? Do you want it poop????

It's like everything you say is a sweet excretion
All I wanna do is poop into your head
Yeah We could stay alone you and me in this temptation
Pooping on your lips (WUT), hanging on by thread, babypoop

Late night watching the inquisition....
god this song goes forever
what that lalalallaa
I'm pregnant from you poop
get rektsssss


Friday, April 17, 2015

Get rekt

Get rekt m8

360 No scope poop I rekt you I rekt your mom last night poop who do you think I am 
I AM SWAG itself I am the one that knocks I am the one that wipes you off the face of the earth and anuses!!!! You will fear me You filthy plebeian!!!!! 
Swag isn't enough for me to wipe you poop!!! We live only one YOLO YOLO poop!!!
I can snipe you from like 3 toilets away you peasant!!! Mountain Dew and Doritos won't help you this time. DIE POOP DIE POOP!!!
I will 360 no 540 no 720 no 90 xxxxxx kill you no scoping you OMG 
Poop You ain't nothing on me poop I'll rekttttttttttttttttttt youuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Allahu akbar 2


The toilet papers are enraged against the poop toilet because they claim there is no equality because they are toilet papers and not poop, and they want to clog the toilet too. This outrageous. This is against nature. That's what she said. Meanwhile the radical toilet papers are throwing their suicide toilet paper pieces and shouting ALLAHU AKBAR, they are clogging the poor toilet. The toilet can't hold it anymore. It starts to cry and shout for help but there is no one, no one, not a single soul to help it. "Is this karma", the toilet thinks."Is it because I flushed all the other toilet papers and it was easy?" "Is it because I loved it and ate them all, and they are inside me and I loved it and I had no gag reflex?" 
The toilet determines it is time to let go and it let the pieces come inside it. 
The toilet papers are now diminishing by power and number and have no more comrades to help them, because there is no money to buy more toilet paper. Is this their demise? Is this revenge? Is this life? 
They still think they'll get 70 virgin toilets in heaven for what they've done, but I don't think so, I think that they are just in the drainage, and forgotten forever, they will not reincarnate nor go to heaven. There is no heaven for them maybe recycling but whatever.  

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Free poop

Poop's Questions

Is poop really free? I mean does it swim freestyle when its on the toilet water or does it just dives?
Is this a real life mystery or is this just some answer seeking question?  How do you know if your poop knows how to swim or dive? How do you know if your poop will drown? How do you know the level of slavery that your poop has?  What is the real attachment your poop has towards your anus? Is it going to slip away from you forever? Is it going to rain poop?  Is it going to walk again? What is the probability that one poop will splash another poop without making any sound in a rainy day? Are these questions stupid? Are we stupid? Is Jaden Smith my mentor? Are we real? Is poop real? Is food real? Is my anus real? Is your anus real? How can your poop be real if your anus is not real? Do you have a hernia? Does poop has hernias? Is your poop working out enough? Is your poop motivated enough? Why do ads keep popping from my poop? Why is this blog so stupid? Why can't my poop draw? Why can't my poop fly? Is it wrong to throw poop away?  Why is babypoop scared of these type of questions? Is it because we are discovering the meaning of poop? The meaning of life? 42 is not enough? OMG you need to poop 42 times a day for 42 days at age 42, that is it, that is the answer to poop! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Why you do this

Why you do dis

Poops have feelings too, they are people too, they speak, they touch, they smell, they tear, they cry, they shout, they move, they are love. We need to protect them.  When you take a dump and poop flows out of you there is a great risk that it will break apart even though it has not even touched water.  This is horrible. This is against nature. Poop should be free to land YES LAND in water as it pleases. RESPECT poop it is part of you don't you get it. It is your soul leaving your body it is awful that it tears apart.

Train your anus so that it won't do this awful act of disrespect towards poop.  This is a delicate procedure where you will be able to use your anus as a feather.  No more stereotypes or anything like that your poop will flow smooth and whole.

A wholesome poop is what you need. You don't want to see your poop cry don't you? Happy poop happy life happy love!

Don't let it fall into pieces.....

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Poop hard


You need to accomplish great things in life like pooping massive amounts of solids.  The more solid your poop, the easier it will get clogged the toilet. Some toilets aren't made for your poops, and you must accept that as a law. Life is hard and so is poop, but you will know how hard it will get and if it will bleed! Deep yourself in thought while pooping that is how you become a philosopher. Don't look at your mobile device LOOK AT YOUR POOP. PUT A MIRROR SO THAT YOU CAN SEE HOW HARD IS GETTING OUT. THAT IS LIFE THAT IS POOP.

Poop harder live better!
Life is not enough for poop you must increase your poop rate everyday. Don't be happy with what you accomplish today, work harder so that your poop becomes stronger. You won't notice the changes PEOPLE will notice your changes. THE TOILET will notice your changes AND YES


Saturday, April 11, 2015

Baby poop can't sleep

Baby cries

Why does baby poop can't sleep? Is this like a test like a spiritual test or something. You know the feeling when the little piece of crap is stuck in your anus and you try to force it out but you'll start bleeding intestines first. The stupid little piece of crap can't get out no matter how hard you try. Well that is a babypoop stuck between your rectal muscles. This situation is sad and frustrating. Is like deciding whether you want to die with a grenade exploding inside your heart or shot to
death bullet by bullet from your appendages to your inner core. That is pain, there is no greater pain than a broken heart they said, but I say this is:having a poop stocked in your rectum.

Life is hard and you gotta work to lift some of its harshness, but nothing really nothing will take away the hole that the feeling of a stocked poop. 
The solution for this problem is to keep trying to force it out until your legs are numb and your muscles are all sprained and you already know you are now paraplegic. You will no longer use your extremities or your anus. There is no reason to keep on trimming your anus hairs. 
You can wait until some more poop accumulates and sticks to the little poop at the end of your massive bleeding anus. 
Singing lullabies to the babypoops will not help not today not tomorrow. So just keep on living as a vegetable or a banana all your life from now on forever and ever 5ever. U got rekt bro by a freaking babypoop. You couldn't let it sleep and it kept crying tearing apart your insides, while you try to call God and in that moment is when you need to have faith and believe that that little freaking piece of poop will get out safely and sound. And when you hear the splash in the toilet and feel the relief in your anus popping out and trying to return to its original shape, you will see another day. 

So don't let the baby cry, make it sleep make it die, abortion is the way brothers and sisters abort your poop that is the way of life, there is no turnabout. Peace.

Friday, April 10, 2015


Who you gonna call!!!

Go go go powermainstreamtoiletpaperrangersssssssssss! wuuu

The PMTPrangers (for short because seriously... no no no I think it's better PRANGERS... yeh yeh)

So the prangers have come to defeat the evil hipster toilet paper (yeah  ummm mmm nnnn HipsterPaper for short) so hipster paper is gonna die soon or whatever.  tttt ffttt

How did the prangers came to bee or be beee?

Well poop protector are rising against the hipsterpaper movement so it sounds befitting that (befitting hahahah whatever, I'm tired lalala lououou) this would happen.
will they take on the hipster paper now or tomorrow or yesterday?
maybe on friday cause it's fried egg fried egg

So the prangers are battling now the hipsterpaper, but HP has high hp and mana! and the prangers can't use pikachu to electrify it. Now HP is xrayvisioning with its no wiping poop lasers and the poor prangers are losing. BUT WAIT
They have another option to call the MEGAPOOPSAURUSTECHBOT which is a giant robot that shoots lasers and nukes so maybe they'll win with that.  But they are launching the nukes the other way! They are harming poop now. Hipster Paper is getting mad and it's using apple products to protect poop. Now poop is having a stroke because they cannot afford having iphones, ipads, imacs, icraps, ipaper, and they are going braless! YES BRALESS because poop never wore bras. The prangers are now very confused is it because they are Asian? or is it because they are filled with colorful dreams??!?!  The prangers are having a stroke too! Meanwhile HipsterPaper is laughing and criticizing other mainstream toilet paper.... what is going on!!!! We'll continue the story someday later okay
I pooped you yesterday
not today
but yesterday yesterday's today?
this is lame poop is not but this battle it is so mmm ballet poop ballet  it is
I don't know why they are Asian looking though. Is my poop not enough for the toilet paper what is wrong with my poop!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Hipster toiletpaper

Stop cleaning poop 

There is a new kind of toilet paper  outside our houses, outside our bathrooms, outside our toilets. They don't think they should wipe or clean poop. They think that is too mainstream to continue doing it. They believe that poop has freedom and should not be discriminated for what it does, feels like, smells, etc. They even believe that poop came from the highest step in poop evolution and that we should just let it be. This new trend is changing everything we know about poop and toilet paper relationships.  This is breath taking. This is deep as poop.  

The other or "normal" or mainstream toilet papers are now being prosecuted by the hands of these Hipster toilet paper. Life is changing as we know it. OMG
what is happening!!!!!! IS THIS WHAT POOP-SAMA WANTED!?!?!?!?

We don't know yet. We have asked the prosecuted mainstream toilet paper and they didn't even knew there was this trend running. They believe it is just a face that these toilet papers have undergone.  They think it will soon end. 
But we have asked also the poop population about thizzzzzzzz. 
Aandy and and andy And they said that although they are not against it, they think love is compromised and that their culture as such will have unexpected changes also. They fear for the toilet paper - poop couples that have lived in peace through ages. Their sanctity is compromised. Everyone is compromised. 
Must this trend stop or be stopped >???? 
We might not know right now but maybe later when  the toilet paper rolls speak. IS their opinion relevant!>? I don't know... We don't know... You don't know.... 
Has trending gone too far from the toilet IS THIS A REVOLUTION>??>GAKFAldfnladaljdf
Maybe.Maybe not. Maybe go poop yourself.

luv luv diz wut wut wut

Tuesday, April 7, 2015


What if dogs poop in the toilet?

Have you seen dogpoop? it is cute right RIGHT
So yeah have you stepped on dogpoop still cute RIGHT.

Why is it that dogpoop gets to be cute while bird poop doesn't? is it the way it goes through their bodies and then comes out. Or is it that it looks like human poop?
What if all poops look the same omg what it is real anymore I don't know!!!
Do you feed dogpoop as you feed normal poop or do you feed poop differently>
Are you racist???
Are you insane ?
All poop is poop ok!
Omg what am I writing is this art or what!!
This is art dogpoop is art people buy art people buy dogpoop !!

Anyway there is dogpoop in the streets living its life like nothing can happen to it so we must protect their life no matter what ok ok

Monday, April 6, 2015


Are others watching us?

Are other poops watching us from above from space? or from the sky?
The answer is clear: There is poop everywhere, from the vast lands to the deepest hole to the highest cloud, to the farthest matter particle in the universe, THERE IS POOP. 

Poop is around us, poop is everywhere. You can touch it in the morning or in the night, at dawn at noon at farts. 
So what about birdpoop?
well bird poop is like an amphibian! yes an amphibian! you ask why!>?
I'm telling you why!
It's because it is liquid or viscous when it comes out of the bird's asshole and with great velocity splashes into the ground so yeah it is amphibious in nature. 

What is the difference between alien poop and birdpoop!???

You can touch birdpoop! you can feel it with your face and fingers when Poop-sama decides that a bird must poop and shoot the thing towards you. IT IS A BLESSING WHY CAN'T YOU SEE IT THAT WAY

yeah so 

yeah ok 
and alienpoop we still don't know how to catch it cause there are only pictures and fake stuff you know right ok chill

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Move motivation

Move just move

Push yourself harder everyday so that you may spend less time pooping. Sometimes pooping slow is not the answer to your constipation, sometimes you need speed.  Move your bowels move  your inner self. Be aware that someday you will no longer be able to hold it. You will take a dump everywhere and you will have to use diapers.  You will get rashes and you will cry, you will bleed. Life is hard but as long as you can poop to your wishing time  you are safe. You are safe now.
Your poop is safe. Your ass is safe. Your asshole is safe. Sometimes it hurts and bleeds but that is how poop is. Poop is life poop is love poop is movement, you are movement you are poop. 
eat fiber
no laxatives

Saturday, April 4, 2015

The resurrection of poop


Don't cry anymore poops and toilet papers for the unspoken has happened. The evil is gone and the toilet is conquered..... the keys to the recycle bin are now open  and stuff....

Rejoice poops and toilet papers for the good news have spoken.....

Rejoice poops and toilet papers for Poop-sama has awoken....

Rejoice poops and toilet papers for Poop-sama has risen up to the heavens to meet up with Alienpoop

Poop-sama died before so that the toilet might be clogged by other poops and toilet papers and now he has risen so that the toilet might be unclogged and let others try to clog it. You will never clog it as Poop-sama did but you can at least try and you will be rewarded in poopheaven by alienpoop and poop-sama. 

You must remember always that poop-sama was the first one that clogged the toilet and brought together the poops and the toilet papers. Before then, the poops and toilet papers were at war. They hated each other and had no salvation left. There was suffering and broken pieces of paper with pieces of poop and the evil toilet just ate all of them. The flushes of redemption have come and all the poops and toilet papers must accept them.  

Accept Poop-sama as the first clogger and you, yes you POOP or Toilet Paper will be brought to recyclepoop/toiletpaper heaven. Alien poop rules over there and Poop-sama helps it with the transition. 

haha wtf

you can go pickup poop eggs in the unclogged toilet now if you wish......

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Poop died for you


Poop-sama died "DIEDED" so that the toilet could be clogged and the other poops may clog other toilets. Its sacrifice is what poop believers celebrate in this day. Why did poop-sama did this we don't know yet.... We may know some day but today we must just solemnly remember its suffering and the toilets massive water flowing to the floor. 

This is a sad story but one that the poop believers must remember for eternity for what is worth, poop-sama did something no ever poop had ever done before and that is its way to show the poops that poops have a second chance to clog toilets and that there is always a place after the clogging and that the toilet is not everything in life and that  poop is what we obtain at the end of our lives. 

So poop on and in remembrance of poop, we shall poop.



Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Big Life Motivation

Motivate yourself

Motivate yourself to do what you cannot do today, but will do tomorrow. Eat more than you did today, and poop harder the next day. START TODAY POOP TODAY

See what happens if you don't poop a day!
Stop procrastinating and go poop yourself right now
Say that to yourself everytime you cannot poop because poop is the reason to live right here right now!
Is not pooping the way you want to live your life I GUESS NOT THEN CHANGE!!!

when you see a child with no mother or father you tell him YOU ARE NOT ALONE YOU POOP DON'T YOU THEN POOP POOP IS YOUR LIFE
when you see a man with no legs YOU TELL HIM TO POOP HARDER
when you see woman with no arms YOU TELL HER TO POOP FASTER
that is life