Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Frustration poop

Why is poop so hard to get out?

Pooping is hard, your life is hard, my life is hard, the dog's life is hard, we are all going to die, maybe pooping maybe peeing maybe just by a bullet.
When bullets fly through your head, you may not notice but bullets have poop. YES poop. How do you ask? No? okay.. I won't tell you then :(

Let's start again:

When toilets get hard because of reasons unknown to mankind only to poop and illnesses, your life gets harder. You can't poop as you have always pooped, you must be careful not to clog the toilet, and flood the bathroom.  If you flood the bathroom floor, the titanic may not sink, and the poor Iceberg will not be Jewish.

When the toilet clogs and you have diarrhea your ideal day goes down, you must go and seek another toilet to clog and blame on some one else, and that my friend is a lie.
A lie that will provide you comfort and nirvana.
Maybe Kurt Cobain didn't suicide maybe he just drown in his own diarrhea. Diarrhea isn't that bad but in this case, it is.

See what I am writing about is about the frustration of not been able to find a theme to write about and just scribble random thoughts that come when you listen to music or farts.
And this frustration inhibits your creative process when pooping. So to fight this void you must poop again, from the start. Eat some fiber and wait and when you start pooping again normally that is the answer to life.

Life is poop and poop is life, never forget that my friend because your poop will led you to your success in the most awesome way.
Believe in your poop, not in yourself, believe in your toilet not in yourself, believe in yourself not in farts. Farts are evil and so are sharks.

Sharks poop differently, motivate yourself like a shark and  poop in a unique way.... and this is the end of this blog,
Here is the fabulous drawing.

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