Monday, April 13, 2015

Why you do this

Why you do dis

Poops have feelings too, they are people too, they speak, they touch, they smell, they tear, they cry, they shout, they move, they are love. We need to protect them.  When you take a dump and poop flows out of you there is a great risk that it will break apart even though it has not even touched water.  This is horrible. This is against nature. Poop should be free to land YES LAND in water as it pleases. RESPECT poop it is part of you don't you get it. It is your soul leaving your body it is awful that it tears apart.

Train your anus so that it won't do this awful act of disrespect towards poop.  This is a delicate procedure where you will be able to use your anus as a feather.  No more stereotypes or anything like that your poop will flow smooth and whole.

A wholesome poop is what you need. You don't want to see your poop cry don't you? Happy poop happy life happy love!

Don't let it fall into pieces.....

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