Showing posts with label fast. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fast. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time poop

Why is time so fast

I mean there is so much poop that must be done and time takes away the fun from it. Poop ages with us, you can't escape from it.  It is a hard real situation you cannot escape. Even skyscrapers get old. This is so sad. I mean, when we were young, we could poop like for hours and still have time to eat and play but now, that you are old, you take the same time pooping and the day gets shorter. It is so hard. You cannot poop 3 times  a day anymore you have to hold it and just do twice or even worse just once a day. Life will get you and poop will be there for you but it will get as old as you, as saggy as you, as smelly as you as harsh as you. as dysfunctional as you....

We will never have another time to appreciate poop and the loneliness of poop. Our way of life will change and the motivation that held us everyday will disappear. Every nice moment you had pooping will not be the same, and frustration will take over you.

You will try to do stuff faster and faster every time only to realize that the faster you do it the weaker and uglier it gets. Poop and life should coexist in a happy world but time doesn't let that space take place.

Aliens will not help you, watching tv shows will not help you, you will only see the clock ticking by and the numbers running, there is no stop to this mess. Even if they say time is a human invention, it was an inevitable fate to come up with it. You know why?
Not because the sun sets and rises, or the moon moves around, the seasons changes, or the plants grow.... is it because after eating you will poop and before eating you will poop, they needed to know how to control the poop and when to do it, that is the real reason why time exists. They needed to know how fast can they travel without pooping or even peeing. Urination is an issue too, but it happens like 50 times  a day depending on how much water you take, but average.

So this is it life is getting you and you should poop about it.
Here is awesome emotional drawing:

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Tsundere-poop! Poop motivation


Fast days go by, and today is furious. HOE HOE HOE HUE HUE HUE Kill me plz...

So you know when you poop and you poop hard enough to get all of your guts out, I'm saying guts out as in intestines, gallbladder, bladder, kidneys, urethra, ureters, vile, and spleen; yeah, no the lungs got out of my ass hole type.... I'm not that hardcore yet....
So when that happens, and you push and sweat and you feel the blood coming out and the poop struggling to get out and it feels like knives cutting your ass and you know you do not have to stop it there because if you stop you have to restart the pushing and pulling  process and yet you stop because your heart rate increases so much and hell ascends on you and heaven forgets you exist and you feel the flames all over you turning you into the demon you really are and yet AND YET the lovely poop doesn't come out.
Your faith in God maxes out and you claim GOD PLZ GED LOL PLZ DONT FERGET ME GED GED AM DEYING GED PLZ GED LET IT OUT GEEEED..... And then you realize there is no god that Nietzsche was right! (was it Nietzsche or Freud who said that?... who cares.. I care..I'm gonna google it.....plz wait.........................................................I was right it is Nietzsche... haha I still remember this stupid crap... psychological crap OOMG I'm going to draw the psychological poop next time yah yah yah..) so where was I? mmm mmm oh ok
So you realize there is no god now and that when you die from this awkward pooping session there is nothing but blackness and darkness and black stuff and nothing but in color black (colour black cause we're British/Australian/NZ/Indian/etc.. now....)
You begin to pass out and then you think maybe there is a God and I'm just forgetting the light that guides me and then you see the light at the end of the anus and you are sweating blood and you feel the heat in your heart and begin praising God because PART OF THE POOP CAME OUT And you are all believer now, You just got motivated and think you can push it all out... and you make your last effort, you think such motivational words like "Just do it-nike" "Push yourself harder everyday" "Life is 1% inspiration 99% perspiration", "Do the salamander" "Started from the bottom Now we here" "Wreck it Ralph" "My favourite anime is Cory in the House" "When is naruto going to end... why the poop is still running with boruto what tha thahthahthah" "what is wrong with me" "why is my life so hard" "When I sweep my room there is no dust and yet I keep cleaning" "Uptown funk you up uptown funk you up" etc ,etc et,cfa;ljf;lka
and think what a beautiful masterpiece came out of me... I must be an artist... and My talent is still hidden.....
So yeah that is the tsundere-poop
because: "It is not as If I want to stay stuck in your anus forever.... or something... STOP IT I didn't came out of your anus because I like you or anything YOU BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA BAKA"
this is getting really weabooish.... ok I'm okay with that....YOU BAKA
this is the drawing of how tsunderepoop-chan looks yelling at you for throwing it out to the toilet....
"It is not as if I want you to flush me YOU BAKA waaahhhh"

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Move motivation

Move just move

Push yourself harder everyday so that you may spend less time pooping. Sometimes pooping slow is not the answer to your constipation, sometimes you need speed.  Move your bowels move  your inner self. Be aware that someday you will no longer be able to hold it. You will take a dump everywhere and you will have to use diapers.  You will get rashes and you will cry, you will bleed. Life is hard but as long as you can poop to your wishing time  you are safe. You are safe now.
Your poop is safe. Your ass is safe. Your asshole is safe. Sometimes it hurts and bleeds but that is how poop is. Poop is life poop is love poop is movement, you are movement you are poop. 
eat fiber
no laxatives