Showing posts with label review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label review. Show all posts

Monday, September 21, 2015


I have not written in a long time

I will not excuse myself
Because I am arrogant and I must do this to fulfill my duty as poop master ok?

In the long time I have not written I have seen so little and experienced so much diarrhea that I do not have enough words to describe it.
So as final resource I will review the Death Note Drama

it is crap
full of crap
it started really good
then it turned to crap
then L dies and turned awesome and
then Near/Mello stupid crap comes which ruined it
then Light is going to win and it becomes awesome
and then the end
was the worst thing ever
not because light always dies
but because they made his death so miserable
dying in fire trying to get the death note and the eyes
Light  would have never done that

attack on titan
the live action movie

they changed almost everything
mikasa in love with ripoff levi
and eren is the one in love with mikasa what
and then eren almost has sex
and then wtf
but still I'll watch the second movie
just because

thatis it
this is an abstract drawing
hate me more
my poop is so weak and explosive

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Pixels review


I saw this movie and I have never felt so ashamed of myself even watching national geographic pooping in lions is way better.
I think this movie had a cool idea and then they took it and said fek it we are adam sandlers poopers so we can do an adam sandler normal bad movie and they did it.
Why did they have to produce it with so much idiocy that is not funny anymore.....
I mean older adam sandler movies were not that bad except omg the one where adam sandlers is his own sister seriously.....
I mean remember click THAT was a good movie
I could poop and everything and it would make me poop softer and smoother yeah those were good times.
This time I putted a little more effort in the drawing I drew a pixel poop

so nice
it is way better than the movie
the amount of art amazeing



Monday, July 20, 2015

Wisdom tooth poop

Hardcore antman

I got my wisdom teeth extracted last friday, that is why I was so lazy and didn't poop at all (jk) lol  360 no scope

I never imagined it would take so long to get them extracted it was 3 hours of drilling my bone, awesome it felt like a SAW movie. well not felt, but I saw as I maintained the mouth opened, that was the hardest part, I can now understand you whores :P

I have no gag reflex if you know what I mean after spitting so much blood, that's what she said LOL GET REKT NOOB 720 NO SPOKE MLG

I could have drawn poops but I really didn't felt like it and instead I saw antman
faking antman
It was a good movie
they even mention spiderman as "we got someone who crawls"
Falcon gets rekt by antman
and who knew that Paul Rudd could be a good actor. HAHA
359 no scope
this is a short one and non inspired stuff/poem about poops and wisdom tooth

wisdom poop
wisdom teeth
wisdom scoop
wisdom myth
I forgot
how to dream
about your mom
every stream
I had enough of your pain
and I have lost my gain
I need to crap
But I can't tap
the sadness in my poopless heart


so now a haiku :

people die poop hurts
when you shart after hard teeth
extraction... now die

Teeth extraction goes with four anesthesia injections and  then they open mouth and begin destroying bone until no wisdom tooth is left. It takes more than 3 hours and if the roots are deep it takes more time and effort. The dentists sweat like pigs and yours truly too. You must grab your pain and feel it in your bones while opening your mouth, in a way it is like a violation. But then you begin to feel muscle pain not from your mouth but from you neck and back it is hard.

Then after they destroy the evil wisdom teeth they will clean your mouth yesh so clean so blood no traces just outside

and then you will try to poop and it will hurt cause you are hurting yourself cause you cannot use your teeth for strength anymore you failure
you are such a failure
this is not motivational
this is a love song this is goodbye

amazing drawing down below my anus

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Awesome Trailers


So now I am going to fangirl about poopy trailers, especifically DC trailers.
I don't watch arrow or flash but the legends of tomorrow trailer was pretty awesome, maybe one day I'll watch those shows.
that was wee wee awesome
We get to see robin's suit with a message from the joker, implying robin's death. We get to see Batman in the desert. We get to see superman as god and hated by humans also. We see zodd's dead body controled by Luthor. We see wonder woman and wee see a guy drowning haha We see cool fights, and possibly a fight not only with batman and superman but also doomsday? or some one.
It was awesome.

The suicide squad trailer was more awesome seriously.
It had the Bee Gee's it was a joke or something like that I don't know how the song is called as soundtrack implying puns haha and we see a lot of harley quinn she hot damn
but haha we see will smith doing his thing as will smith in will smith's movies we see all the members we see katana, and the other guy and the other guy and that other guy and that other girl and batman and we see the joker, Jared Leto will be a good joker I guarantee it My poop guarantees it.

If you have seen the animated suicide squad movie, escape from arkham I think it is called you'll see how awesome will it be.

I think they will be awesome movies.

Another trailer that is not from DC
was the walking dead's season 6

I still don't know where this season will go, but it is not lame but it doesn't capture my curiousty so I don't know if I'll poop watching that series yet.

I hope I poop.

here is the drawing
keep pooping
keep cloggin the toilet

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Dragon Ball Z Resurrection of Frieza Review

Movie Review

I just watched Dragon Ball Z last movie and it was cool in matter of animation and effects but really stupid plot-wise.  I am disapointed at akira toriyama, first Dragon Ball Chou  is a retelling of the first movie and now this movie what?
Super Saiyan God and Frieza is at their level what the hell>
I Cannot take a calm poop after these movie seriously

One cool stuff is that Goku uses Bruce Lee one inch punch, that was very cool. and Vegeta was going to be the hero of this movie but then they rewind time so that Goku kills Frieza.
It was lame.

I hope they don't continue ruining my childhood Dragon  Ball Z, because it is getting really lame.

SO I also watched a 2013 movie called Frequencies. IT had a dumb ending but it was philosophically interesting, and although the actors were bad, the story was good.

I recommend it if you poop after 10pm it will help your diarrhea.

So here it is an amazing drawing

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 7: Terminator Genysis Review

July 4+3 

It was murica's birthday and I did not wrote about it what is wrong with me>??!?
maybe because poop in america is consumed so fast by toilets. Those toilets rawr
they are so powerful and potent they think they can overrule the tolietworld
but no, there are laws in sanitary bible that we must follow until the end and stop everything from corroding the toilet insides.
Yes the insides are so hot omg so attractive and seductive to poop that they melt inside.
Have you not seen that ??
me neither

I am just lustful for poop melting now, imagine if you could melt poop into a sword.
and it will stick together and smell so "good".
So maybe a poop light saber will be made of farts or something like that.

My thoughts are so wrong on many levels.
Level 1: poop jumps out of toilet
Level 2: poop jumps and lands on bathroom floor.
Level 3: poop jumps and lands on bathroom floor and jumps again in the toilet.

Yeah I don't know where I was going with that....
I was watching falling skies but I think I skipped whole season 4 I really don't remember the show has become so bad and static I really don't know what is going on. I watched the first episode of season 5 and it was boring. sorry the series has gone bad.
I don't know why some series go so bad and boring,  I mean every series has a low point but some series can overcome that and appeal again.
But falling skies went low and it has not risen again.
I am afraid Game of Thrones would follow this next season.
And I don't know if I would watch the Walking Dead side story Fear the Walking Dead I don't know.
I am not eager to know.

oh yeah I saw terminator genysis what a rip off
was that
that movie was alive because Arnold was in it.
THAT and ONLY THAT is the reason people will watch it.

They changed everything well not everything they just messed up more with the timelines and it was only a prequel to the sequel, if ever made.
It could be interesting to see what the hell is going to happen with Kyle Reese and Khaleesi and how Arnold will die in the sequel but seriously it was a whole mess trying to fix the previous messes and now it is a whole new mess it is officially a reboot and I don't know what will happen.
Here is a little summary of the movie:

john connor sends kyle reese while skynet changes john connor into faggit terminator. Kyle finds Sarah connor and she saves him faggit, Then Arnold saves them and sends them to 2017, they stop genesys which is faggit skynet and kill john connor terminator, arnold evolves into the evil terminator of the third movie and there is not john connor in the making yet AKA no sex between sarah and kyle. and skynet was not killed WOW so much wow much unexpcted ......--.-

that's it I wrote a lot I hope it gets through your pooping hearts and minds

and here is the most profound and artistic drawing ever

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Minions movie review


this movie what da fuq

it is seriously worse than this blog
it is so full of nonsense I don't even know why am I still living anymore.
Seriously what did I just saw
It was just full of banana bob kevin stuart
you can guess what they were saying
but whaaaat
was the whole point
it was just to lose time
holy poop
it was I don't know
kid movie
here is the drawing

I puke on this movie
omg I lost time that I will not recover
I need help
I need self esteem

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

FARTS Galantis Pharmacy Review

Fart counting

I farted today less than I would have any other day! you know why??
because I had less to eat I am starving, my poor poop didn't came out at 5 a.m. like normally does but instead until 2 p.m.. At least I clogged the toilet. I feel proud about it every time. No matter how hard they yell at me for clogging it, you know it feels right.

So Kuroko no Basuke ended today... the feels... but not so much because I had already finished the manga a year ago... I think?!

It was an awesome anime, one of the best sports anime ever made. I think the animators stayed very close to the manga and nothing was changed. The games were animated so hardcore, all the plays and everything. They knew what they were doing.  It was awesome. I did not cried cuz a poop should not cry, even though the situation is overwhelming a poop doesn't cries. A poop may only cry when getting out of the anus that is the only time you should cry.

So now we are going to do something different apart from deviating from the subject or main theme, we are now going to review music albums.
So here it goes,
10 poops for best and 0 worst so you may say how much you can crap in a song and with a song.
music helps yo
it helps yo anus to relax yo

Galantis - Pharmacy

Forever tonight--  0 poops (it is monotonous somehow sorry but it is not good)
Gold DUST -- 9 poops (awesome song feel the vibe while you push down the soft poop) you are like gold dust it rains over meeeee awesome 10/10 ign would bang
In My Head-- 6 poops (it is a good song that is all I have to say)
Runaway --- 7 poops (IT WAS AN AWESOME SONG but BUT the radio and soundcloud and all the remixes made have make it boring but still is one of the best if not the best)
Dancin to the sound of a broken heart ---- 8 poops (catchy song)
Louder, harder, better ---- 7 poops (chilly/catchy song, wooo oooo wooo)
Kill em with the love ---- 0 poops annoying song annoying voice it hurts my stomach and anus all together
Call if you need m--- 7 poops (it is a good song but it reminds me of Down down  by jay sean) even if the sky is falling down
Peanut Butter Jelly---5 poops (not really good enough)
Firebird---10 poops (my favorite seriously good)
Dont Care---4 poops (I don't know when the voice is a male it is not good enough, except for gold dust)
You --- 6 poops (it is not a bad song but it also gets annoying after 1 min)
Water --- 4 poops (not good enough the same as dont care)

Okay so that was it for todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy let's all take a dump together in music

here is the drawing

Monday, June 29, 2015

Ted 2 Review

Another Review


Poop is there for you when you fall, poop is always watching you and caressing you!!
What will happen if you cannot poop the next day!!!!

So I just watched TED 2 and it is funny I won't deny it but it is as funny as family guy,because Seth MacFarlane cannot change his jokes. They are funny jokes but they are always the same. I didn't see the movie about the west but I will watch it later and compare it to his other works.

But TED 2 is just not as good as TED 1.

I just cant summarize the movie because it is just that TED is property and so they fight at court and lose and then they meet Morgan Freeman. The crazy dude from the first film tries to disassemble Ted and then Mark Wahlberg almost dies and then Teddy is recognized as a human person.
And there are just too many awesome jokes and bad ones too but

HAHA the greatest Joke was the next Superman is going to be JONAH HILL!!!!


That's it for a review today I did not crapped my pants today so it's something...
here amazing drawingL

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jurassic World Review


This is a short review since the movie was so crappy I don't even know why it got so many million and millions of dollars SERIOuSLY what is wrong with people now a days.
It is the same dinosaur park and human "family" and human error and human believes they can control dinosaur but the cool guy tells them that they can't but they don't care and everything goes ruckus story and the same beginning, the same ending, the only thing that changed is that the mutant dinosaur was eaten by a sea dinosaur and seriously WHY is it so likable?
Is it because Jurassic Park 3 was in  2001 and it has been 14 years since a dinosaur movie?
It is so full of crap and cliche crap and nonsense crap.....
I am not going to bother writing a summary because everyone know the story:
The drawing shows everything seriously.....
there is only poop for me

Maybe Ill buy a toy just for something

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Poop Reviews: Furious 7

Yes.... another one....

And this one is a late review... but I got no inspiration for craziness so let's do this woo hoo

So the poop starts with Jason Statham being awesome and throwing explosive diarrhea by walking away from explosions and poop. Then something more happened I don't remember it was not important.  Then Jason Statham throws poop at the rock and breaks his arm or something. Then Jason Statham burns Paul Walker's house and then Vin Diesel gets angry. And then Vin Diesel goes to Japan to meet the Tokyo Drift guy, and something happens, just talking and stuff. Then a funeral for someone I think it was mmm the Japanese guy I think. Then angry Vin Diesel goes to face angry Jason Statham and then some guy Mr. Nobody or something stops the fight before it begins and recruits the same crew, then I don't remember something about jumping from airplane to rescue the hot black British accent girl, I think I saw her in James  Bond, I don't know....
Okay so then bikinis and some rich Arab country, Vin Diesel drives a cool hypercar... wait I am going to google the name of the car so that I just post it on the tags later.... searching.....
I think it is Lykan Hypersport,  So yeah they fly the car through 3 buildings and then they destroy it like trash.  Then something about racing in another city and something about a hacking device and then something about guns and explosions and then cars and more explosions and missiles and a helicopter and yeah another black guy the one from Black Diamond and the Guardians of the Galaxy that does nothing.
Then mmm I think they did what they had to do and then the scene about Paul Walker and the song what was it called? mmm

Yes It has been a long time without you my friend and blah blah blah stuff tearjerking and pooping in the clouds. Paul Walker is dead get over it, he didn't have enough toilets in his house so he pooped in a car.
I can't believe Whiz Khalifa sings that I thought it was some decent guy, that poops more than just 3 times a day okay?

Okay so
Film Critic Poop says:
I didn't like it how they put so much emphasis in Paul Walker's death, just promotion and stuff really not even when you clog the toilet you flood it that much, but it's Hollywood so whatever.  And the really missing part of Paul Walker is that he was the one who did the awesome stunt car stuff not Vin Diesel, Vin Diesel was just like an immobile poop when flushing the toilet and now it does parkour outside the toilet wtf...
Well they  (the production) had to make some one do crazy stuff.  And Paul Walker only did the thing that does in the trailer with the bus falling off a cliff, that's it then he does nothing, I don't think He poops any more.. oh wait he is dead,... My Bad My anus bleeds nothing for him but poop okay?
Well I must say I wouldn't wipe my anus with this movie but it's better than the last one, I think I don't remember the last one.
Well At least I like the song...
It makes me poop at peace...
Here is the amazing drawing:

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Poop Review: Avengers Age of Ultron

Yes Poop Reviews now....

***Huge spoilers if you are a sissy that complains about them***

The film starts like poop with Tony Scrap and everyone is together like nothing happened on Iron Man 3 and The Winter Soldier and Dark World.... Poop everywhere...  
The Hulk still a sissy now has sex with the black widow and Hawkeye has a family and it's tired and sissy poop stuff.  
The Scarlett Witch throws mindpoop to Tony STkja;rlaljkdk and he scared and poop and poop poop and so he creates Ultron with sissy Banner. Ultron same poop as always: "Human wrong Humans die Humans are the plague Humans blah blah blah.... crappy poop like that" 
Then Ultron goes against Avengers and throws poop at them. Some poop about Hulk been sissy again. And then Ultron creates Vision sperm. 
Vision sperm and egg not completed because poop reasons. Then Tony Stark and Captain Murica takes away vision body and poop in it.  Then Tony Stark, Puny Banner, and Thor conceive and give birth to their son The Vision and The Vision is Weird Looking poop.  
Then poop goes on special effects poop wow stuff....
Battle Ultron poop goes all over everywhere. A floating City/island  poops out... more battle effects much wow very sound... Not good enough to keep poop from flowing everywhere though....
More Allahu Akbar from Ultron and blows.....
Silver something poop dies,... Hulk runs like sissy away.... Iron Man goes away... agaaaaaaain....Thor floats away...  Shield complete again...  or something poops....
Captain America and Black Widow now are the mother and father of a healthy new avengers team: Flying Black Guy with wings, Flying Black Guy with armor, The Vision, and Scarlet Witch.
Mid-credits scene: Thanos poops out a bracelet or the infinity gauntlet and poops comes out of his mouth... 

Final scene... Spiderman? stupif fffff poops

So this is filmcritic poop and it's verdict:

Wut wut da poop?! 
In da comics there was some time traveling and inter-dimensional stuff and wolverine and spiderman and fantastic four and more hardcore stuff but whatever....
Why was Quicksilver so slow, X-men's quick silver was way better but whateversssssss.. Toilet paper flies faster sometimes.... 
So much Hype for nothing... Thor gets a gay scene with a black guy, supposedly to be the trailer for ragnarok?!!?
We barely see any poop coming out of Scarlett Johansson's Ass.... 
Hulk obviously will return but way to sissy omg he was so annoying and gay omg.....
Even babypoops that stay in your anus forever are not so annoying and gay....omg
The trailers give away too much action, I might say that Poop flushing in a three way competition with toilet paper and urine has more action....
Maybe I am just getting too old for this kind of poop crap films... 
Ultron was way hardcore in the Comics, in the movie he is just mmm like a bad Jarvis.... 
I think The Vision is as gay as in the comics hahaha 
There are some cool scenes where Captain America and Black Widow share the shield poop.
Why they did have to kill Quicksilver omg so bad so bad seriously so bad So slow he dies from bullets SERIOUSLYYYYYYYYYYY omg so bad
Although the first movie copied transformers 3, this one I don't know what copied but it didn't felt as good. Winter Soldier was a little bit better and Stan Lee Gets drunk by Thor. 
Samuel L. Jackson is really old.... 
HOW THE POOP DOES Robert Downey Jr. Grows so tall in the beginning scenes he is short and then in the last scene he is as tall if not, way taller than Captain America SERIOUSLY MARVEL WTF SERIOUSLY 
I don't know what more to say, 
6/10 IGN didn't read lol