Tuesday, June 30, 2015

FARTS Galantis Pharmacy Review

Fart counting

I farted today less than I would have any other day! you know why??
because I had less to eat I am starving, my poor poop didn't came out at 5 a.m. like normally does but instead until 2 p.m.. At least I clogged the toilet. I feel proud about it every time. No matter how hard they yell at me for clogging it, you know it feels right.

So Kuroko no Basuke ended today... the feels... but not so much because I had already finished the manga a year ago... I think?!

It was an awesome anime, one of the best sports anime ever made. I think the animators stayed very close to the manga and nothing was changed. The games were animated so hardcore, all the plays and everything. They knew what they were doing.  It was awesome. I did not cried cuz a poop should not cry, even though the situation is overwhelming a poop doesn't cries. A poop may only cry when getting out of the anus that is the only time you should cry.

So now we are going to do something different apart from deviating from the subject or main theme, we are now going to review music albums.
So here it goes,
10 poops for best and 0 worst so you may say how much you can crap in a song and with a song.
music helps yo
it helps yo anus to relax yo

Galantis - Pharmacy

Forever tonight--  0 poops (it is monotonous somehow sorry but it is not good)
Gold DUST -- 9 poops (awesome song feel the vibe while you push down the soft poop) you are like gold dust it rains over meeeee awesome 10/10 ign would bang
In My Head-- 6 poops (it is a good song that is all I have to say)
Runaway --- 7 poops (IT WAS AN AWESOME SONG but BUT the radio and soundcloud and all the remixes made have make it boring but still is one of the best if not the best)
Dancin to the sound of a broken heart ---- 8 poops (catchy song)
Louder, harder, better ---- 7 poops (chilly/catchy song, wooo oooo wooo)
Kill em with the love ---- 0 poops annoying song annoying voice it hurts my stomach and anus all together
Call if you need m--- 7 poops (it is a good song but it reminds me of Down down  by jay sean) even if the sky is falling down
Peanut Butter Jelly---5 poops (not really good enough)
Firebird---10 poops (my favorite seriously good)
Dont Care---4 poops (I don't know when the voice is a male it is not good enough, except for gold dust)
You --- 6 poops (it is not a bad song but it also gets annoying after 1 min)
Water --- 4 poops (not good enough the same as dont care)

Okay so that was it for todayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy let's all take a dump together in music

here is the drawing

Monday, June 29, 2015

Ted 2 Review

Another Review


Poop is there for you when you fall, poop is always watching you and caressing you!!
What will happen if you cannot poop the next day!!!!

So I just watched TED 2 and it is funny I won't deny it but it is as funny as family guy,because Seth MacFarlane cannot change his jokes. They are funny jokes but they are always the same. I didn't see the movie about the west but I will watch it later and compare it to his other works.

But TED 2 is just not as good as TED 1.

I just cant summarize the movie because it is just that TED is property and so they fight at court and lose and then they meet Morgan Freeman. The crazy dude from the first film tries to disassemble Ted and then Mark Wahlberg almost dies and then Teddy is recognized as a human person.
And there are just too many awesome jokes and bad ones too but

HAHA the greatest Joke was the next Superman is going to be JONAH HILL!!!!


That's it for a review today I did not crapped my pants today so it's something...
here amazing drawingL

Saturday, June 27, 2015



I was sick but now I am not

I tried to cure myself by the power of poop and poop only no medicine no pills no artificial stuff just the power of poop and body. YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME Well I wouldn't believe myself either after all the bullcrap that is posted everywhere about how to be "healthy and natural" and poop. But here is what I did I hope one day you will find yourself in the need of being against the current, not the hipster type but the anarchy type. YEAAAY ANARCHY FOR ALL ANAAAAAAARCHY SEX PISTOLS ETC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBojbjoMttI

So  I just ate ginger and garlic as slow as possible during all day and kept swimming normally and sleeping for more than 8 hours, 8 hours is not enough, you need to let your body feel the heat for  the fever and let the fever flow if you know what I mean???
hahah I don't

Then when you are resting in your bed rest still no movement at all like in anime and stuff where they stay at home and just stay in bed, you don't have to cover yourself instead be naked and do nothing, and now imagine a big poop rolling from your head to your toes yes YES
that is the healing poop power flowing through your veinssssssssssss and nippels!!!!!
feel it
feel it in your bones and head in your anus and poop

Now after surviving that you are FINE AND CURED
okay it works
dont believe it try it yourself
if it doesn't work on you then you are not made for it you weak human pathetic human being why were you born if you can't even poop you are like those people that can't poop and use a bag in their sides and they have to change the bag and clean it aghhh so disgusting you have no anus what is wronggggggggg

in other news I will use the tag of the gay stuff that happened in the US, they legalized gay marriage across the country, as an excuse to get more views even though I gave no opinion whatsoever FEK
But if you must know poop comes out of everyone that has an anus and even from those who haven't so fek it no one cares what happens in the US the US is worse than a circus now it is like always watching a crappy movie.

here is the amazing drawing for this
Seriously I put so much effort into the drawings lately I am so proud of myself

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


gaming on youtube

I am watching another vice documentary this one is about competitive gaming or esports. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of1k5AwiNxI
I think this is something I knew about but never really noticed until now. What am I doing with my life????
The reporter was so funny he couldn't believe what he was informing and researching. His face all the documentary was of "weird awe, what am I doing with my life?, how could this be? wtf"
I have played League of Legends but I don't really like strategy games and games where you see from above it is annoying somehow. I am sorry

I will play online minigames and record myself from now on seriously
maybe I'll get something on youtube
maybe maybe not
maybe fek you
but I don't know.....
I am trying to look for a better angle and everything so that it doesn't seem so lame. I am poor
I am poor as poop
I have no gaming skills I played Nintendo 64 long time ago and Xbox 360 until the red ring of death showed up I hated that so much I considered myself a good player but now I only played on pc Fall Out 3 and similar games and really don't know how am I playing with no mouse ahha just with the laptop touchpad.

It is hard but whatever I will try it.

So yeah this is a drawing of a gaming poop I hope it looks like pew die pie or something like that.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Square poop


This illumination came to me in the morning while taking a dump.... as always....
Imagine you pooped squared, imagine how hard that would be to get out! how would it feel?
Would that also mean that your anus is a squared pipeline?
Holy poop
Imagine when the poop could not fit in the square?
Imagine the pain of the edges touching the flat surface and screeching and scratching and friction and blood and hemorrhoids squared....
imagine your life as a Minecraft first person shooter game reality sims stuff....
would you be able to reach for the wiping>
would you be able to flush water
how could the toilet not be clogged all the time>
the mountain of poop will be square and blocky
everything is block everything!

So yeah the blocked squared poop came to me as an inspiration after watching Chappie.
Awesome movie
It shows the ill human nature and how humans tear everything apart.
Humans want to create for the "better good" or maybe just to prove to themselves that they can do better and humans are selfish not shell fish just selfish to the core. There is no goodness in the human conscience there is no good not not noneeeee.
Humans create to destroy and destroy to create, for their own good.
So chappie was an artificial intelligence project and it evolved better than humans and could transform the human conscience into data in order to transfer it to a metal body and so on.
That was soo cool
The producer and director of that movie are so damn good I think it is better than District 9, it was awesome.

I am not going to spoil more because I am lazy when the movie is so good.

I also watched Focus, and it was a so so movie I didn't like the ending. Will Smith is getting old.
WHy couldn't he pick the role for Independence Day 2?
I don't know
And now I am watching Monsters: Dark Continent
the first movie was good even though it had no big budget this one is entertaining so far.
The director really knows what he is doing and the story revolves around human emotions and the humans adapting to the alien invasion and the normal conflicts. it is a good mix.

So now the blocked or squared poop will show itself to you
Just look at those kawaii squared eyes so kawaii
and that smile

here is the drawing

Saturday, June 20, 2015

100th post

happy 100th post to poop

we are celebrating that I have successfully written 100 posts about poop related crap. I am truly amazed  I have lasted this long, although I have not accomplished nothing yet. All who read this will pity me so hard yet so long like the poop I just created.
OMG I am so proud
This poop is the perfect shape ever. I wouldn't have done it without fiber-san.
Fiber-san is my life and Kefir-chan helps my digestive system-kun.
Yes weeabooing is what I am doing right now, since this post must have a little of everything that I have posted before. I don't know if this is a thing or not> I don't care wooo


oneee saaaamaaaa
google adsense oneee saaaamaaa
why won't you notice meeeeee
notice meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee I love you
Google adsense onee sama DAISUKI

that was too much
or not?

Time has passed so fast now, I believe in poop-sama now and its teachings, and I don't know why I am writing about this if I even don't want to, seriously why are all the youtubers turning out gay. It is just a faking trend like the one of draw my life.... it is too obvious... Poop people don't care it is not as if we'll start a war for that reason seriously??!?! We would start a war only with Allahu akbar terrorists of the northern walls of paperish towns yeah yeah those goddamn papers are so rough with my butt cheeks it hurts ita itaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii paper-senpai don't hurt me that waayyyy

And yes I am going to review a movie too
It is Area 51 by the guy from paranormal activity.... ufff

but first I played Agario

as FEk

fek that game you begin to eat and get addicted and they you get eaten

fek that so much http://agar.io/

yeah I suck at this game so
Area 51 by Oren Peli
mmmm it got me watching it till the end but what a lame end okay?

and so here is the amazing drawing about the poop I was talking about is a BANANA POOP
yay kawaiii
I am proud to announce this poop clogged my toilet

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Jurassic World Review


This is a short review since the movie was so crappy I don't even know why it got so many million and millions of dollars SERIOuSLY what is wrong with people now a days.
It is the same dinosaur park and human "family" and human error and human believes they can control dinosaur but the cool guy tells them that they can't but they don't care and everything goes ruckus story and the same beginning, the same ending, the only thing that changed is that the mutant dinosaur was eaten by a sea dinosaur and seriously WHY is it so likable?
Is it because Jurassic Park 3 was in  2001 and it has been 14 years since a dinosaur movie?
It is so full of crap and cliche crap and nonsense crap.....
I am not going to bother writing a summary because everyone know the story:
The drawing shows everything seriously.....
there is only poop for me

Maybe Ill buy a toy just for something

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

What is love baby dont hert me dont hert me no more

Foie gras

I've seen a documentary on foie-gras https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjQWwhxz5rQ
That is the link lalalal
I am now reviewing this because I think it is interesting and it involves poop.

This is the summary:

Foie-Gras was banned in California because some animal rights activists thought "that the practice of force-feeding was wrong and resembled Nazi holocaust" without even doing a research on the matter. Foie-Gras is an ancient practice it can be tracked down to Egypt and now it is common in France. In The US, it is considered a delicacy. So the animal activists achieved what they wanted an open slide to more laws about meat banning. In the documentary they show up every aspect and opinion of the people involved; politicians, a farmer in France, activist lawyers, 2 veterinarians, etc. It explains that the ducks and geese do not have a gag reflex because their esophagus is wide and different from humans. They show that the liver is increased in size but not harming the ducks since the ducks can store fat as energy in their livers, and foie-gras farmers take advantage of that natural aspect.
The only farmer affected by the ban was a Salvadorian Man, that escaped El Salvador to find a better life in california as a duck farmer. He was the only farmer in the state and the only affected. His business was shut down. He doesn't appears in the documentary because he politely declined the interview.
It is shown an interview were the Senator with much more influence on the bill was very rude and felt threatened, even though the reporter was polite and did not ask  questions with an agenda.
The senators that voted against foie-gras never visited the farm. Only one visited the farm and he said that they were clean and their practices were according to the GPA.

At the beginning the activist show that the ducks have diarrhea and that rats are biting their anuses and that they are mistreated. The veterinarian said that she did not saw that in the farm and we may realize that the videos shown by the activists are staged. At the end they show a farm in France with their practices and it is not a cruel practice.
The bill was revoked by the Federal Government in January of 2015 (this year). I think this was right. Politics are really just a tool for people to do stuff that may or may not be better for the market and people and poop overall.
The reporter ends the documentary saying that it is not a cruel practice but if you are against every animal practice then you will be against foie gras forever.

And so I think that this is just bullcrap duck poop from the activist perspective they just want to ban everything and they do not follow science, so fek them .
It is a really interesting practice and we should learn from it.

The poop in the ducks is gross so here is a drawing hahaha
I want to try foie-gras after this.

Monday, June 15, 2015

dont want to write

no writing today 

just a drawing

ich bin sehr lazy


jon snow is dead okay?
we all knew it was going to happen

but yet
we feel it
we feel jon snow's death

this is not right we cannot keep like this
we must fast forward time in order to watch season 6 of game of thrones
why is jon snow dead
is he really dead
is kit harington not returning ever?

you do diz HBO
George R.R. Martin
Why you do dissssssss
why must you hurt me dis way

Saturday, June 13, 2015

poop teeth


what are cavities? is it a rare type of poop?
Is it love we are looking for? Is there life in teeth?
Are bacteria teeth? Does bacteria have teeth too? Not the real enamel teeth but imaginary teeth or something? How could you not know that? Half life 3 will never come alive, Gaben Lord Gaben-sama senpai never notices us! Fall Out 4 Is there but half life we will never know!
OMG why is it so hard we just need a little more to play!
Fall Out 4 will have multiplayer?
Seriously Fall Out 3 was so good, and New Vegas was like an extension or dlc for Fall Out 3 but What will happen in Fall Out 4?
Will there be dragons will there be poop will we be able to kid kids and fly?
I don't think so, we still need mods... :'(

Mods make everything in the pc master race everything !
But what happens when you buy more ram for your laptop and guess what it doesn't work and you can't return it  FEK

so yeah that is what it feels like to have teeth in your poop, you cannot explain it never and you will never learn how to live without wisdom teeth NEVER.

here amaze yourself with my art
there is so much effort put in this seriously why don't people read my blog and admire my art it is lovely and cute it makes you smile

Thursday, June 11, 2015

So much poop

There is so much poop

There is so much poop in the world what can we do??!?

I can't do poop anymore without looking at poop and trying to not to see it. I see goat poop everywhere, goat milk is everywhere it is very expensive even thought it shouldn't be OMG
Goats poop everywhere and sing better than Taylor Swift.
HAve you seen those videos in youtube where the goat sings... Imagine poop singing
Imagine all the people trying to take a dump and singing ooooooooo

Everything is awesome everything is good when they are out of the toilet everything is awesome when they think about goats......

sorry no inspiration to talk about crap today sorry again

here amazing goat poop san

I dont know why blue okay?
it is the devil

Monday, June 8, 2015



Farts are some sort of magical ideal gas that provides us with excellent scent and odor. It is the fragrance of the gods, we cannot judge farts as simple as they are.
Farts are so complicated even though I said simple. But yeah, this how this blogs work, just words trying to fulfill a roll. Yes the roll of getting people to try to read it till the end.
so where were we?
( I had to wipe my anus once more just to be sure it had no more poop)

So yeah farts
Farts the glorious mystical references to the universe. Not 42, 42 is not the complete answer to the question okay>

Farts are so mysterious that when you try to fart in public and it feels wet you may not know if you just pooped yourself.
There are various theories in science as why do farts and sharts are so hard to distinguish from one another. Historians recall that long before the invention of the wheel sharts were already a problem. An anthropological and socio-economical problem that we have to deal with yet.

So this is just a draft of the drawing
I had not so many intentions of writing today but whatever keep the blog alive

here amazing drawing

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I have nothing to write

But I still have to.....

So I have had some private messages on the  facebook page wanting  to have sex with poop, and I must say  THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT WHEN I CREATED THIS OMG
TO DRAW FREELY STUPID DRAWINGS OF KAWAII POOP and toilet supplies and accessories, is not that hard.
This is not a sexual blog. We may write about sexual stuff but only as jokes or satires.
We do not want to poop in each other like 2 Girls 1 Cup and vomit and eat okay?
If you look for coprophiliac or scat, this is not it okay?
I made this blog to cure my boredom and isolation from the world, so that people that like to draw poop and stuff would also find this blog and realize they are not alone. Lately I've been writing about movie reviews, philosophical stuff, and tv series and anime, okay? is not about scat NEVER
We do not like scat, we find it disgusting and gross.
We do not condemn your tastes, we just won't write about it here. Everyone has its fetishes. We respect them, but we do not like it and we will never post stuff about that, except as a joke.
For example now, I will tag all this words just to get more views, OKAY
I AM in NEED of MONEY and as I always or sometimes write I hope google adsense will increment the stuff and pay something. One day I hope this blog gets a little more decent in views and ratings but not about sex, porn, scat or related themes. It is okay if you like that, but for that there is pornhub and youporn, and xvideos and all the million porn sites in the goddamn web, so please just don't get confused this is not that kind of blog or facebook page. Even the title says it "NOT A POOP FETISH" meaning that we just draw poop and we don't even take pictures of poop that is disgusting for us. There are pages like rate my poop for that. okay?

Please if you like this blog or facebook page, we appreciate it but we won't supply you with scat, porn, sex, dating sites, or similar stuff. THAT IS NOT IT GOSH

Thank you
here is an amazing poop drawing
We are innocent manchildren that have issues with social life and internet autism we are not a porn site. this is just a warning

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Kawaii Gator Allahu akbar

Allahu akbar once again....

I don't know why but all the allahu akbar posts get the more attention. Freaking terrorist poops they get what they deserve even after they are flushed down the toilet.  But here we are making fun of it again, we are damned we will perish in hell poop and we don't care cause poops go to the toilet and pee goes to hell.

So today Gator Draft number 354 is having a kawaii day and wants to cross the toilet-weeaboo river and watch anime chan and have higher thoughts with weed-sama and get to be with its adorable gator waifu-tan. BUT NO~
If it crosses the toilet weeaboo river sama, the poor baby kawaii poops will get drowned and the toilet will get clogged and they will perish soon and that is not how is meant to be for them. They must grow adapt to water, get hard and then they can anounce their wedding day and exchange pitiful experiences and thoughts about how fat they are and how they will not get a girlfriend or boyfriend never and that pizza is their only love for now.
And as Martin Luther King Jr. Would have said!!! I have A DREAM that one day both baby poops and gator poops will get together and live like friends and not slaves and masters, not like freaking Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works. WHAT The poop is going on there???

They took too much time making that battle with shiro and archer WHY WHY I know the effects and animation were climaxing and pooping hard themed but too long, I don't know what are they expecting, it felt like a filler, like the 5 minute battle Freeza and Goku in Namek. OMG
I expect that they will change something or add something more to the story and that we will get another Fate series from UFOTABLE, they did great, Fate/Zero was awesome, and this season was awesome too, but Fate/zero still better.
So yeah that was Martin Luther King's dream....

But okay so gator san wants to cross the damn river but it will hurt baby poops so Terrorist Muslim or Islamis or Jihadist Allahu Akbar poops goes in defense of the babies. We don't know yet what will happen probably they will not get to their 70 virgin poops nuns heaven, but a great poop turmoil and it will appear like post-binge drinking and eating diarrhea. yeah

that is the end of this situation

and I have written more than last time

so here get rekt
this is much wow very etc
amaziignafjslad drawing heeereee

PS It took me more than5 minutes to draw diz one so plz dont hete me this is so hard to draw seriousliii

why so serious

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Time poop

Why is time so fast

I mean there is so much poop that must be done and time takes away the fun from it. Poop ages with us, you can't escape from it.  It is a hard real situation you cannot escape. Even skyscrapers get old. This is so sad. I mean, when we were young, we could poop like for hours and still have time to eat and play but now, that you are old, you take the same time pooping and the day gets shorter. It is so hard. You cannot poop 3 times  a day anymore you have to hold it and just do twice or even worse just once a day. Life will get you and poop will be there for you but it will get as old as you, as saggy as you, as smelly as you as harsh as you. as dysfunctional as you....

We will never have another time to appreciate poop and the loneliness of poop. Our way of life will change and the motivation that held us everyday will disappear. Every nice moment you had pooping will not be the same, and frustration will take over you.

You will try to do stuff faster and faster every time only to realize that the faster you do it the weaker and uglier it gets. Poop and life should coexist in a happy world but time doesn't let that space take place.

Aliens will not help you, watching tv shows will not help you, you will only see the clock ticking by and the numbers running, there is no stop to this mess. Even if they say time is a human invention, it was an inevitable fate to come up with it. You know why?
Not because the sun sets and rises, or the moon moves around, the seasons changes, or the plants grow.... is it because after eating you will poop and before eating you will poop, they needed to know how to control the poop and when to do it, that is the real reason why time exists. They needed to know how fast can they travel without pooping or even peeing. Urination is an issue too, but it happens like 50 times  a day depending on how much water you take, but average.

So this is it life is getting you and you should poop about it.
Here is awesome emotional drawing:

Monday, June 1, 2015

Game of Thrones Season 5 Episode 8 Review

That feeling of Watching Game of Thrones after diarrhea

The feeling of heroic poop trying to get out of your anus. It can be compared to slavery and abortion. You may never know if poop was right or wrong. You might still never know if senpai will notice you. Senpai might be the one that is holding you back. I have been written in a place where you have no idea how to wipe yourself. Only The lowest of the poops can help me now. 
But guess what I can now watch Game of Thrones season 5 I think episode 8.  

OMG I'll just recap the episode  by how I remember it. 

so first there are scenes of Sansa Stark and Reek, where Reek tells Sansa that he did not  kill her brothers, so that they are alive. Maybe this will get a scene of them in the next one. Since we have not seen anything from them in this season seriously.... 
Then Cersei is drinking water from the floor because seriously that it was she deserves and according to the books more is coming AND I CANT Wait to see her nude crying and walking out of the city...
Poop everywhere

Then Tyrion and Khaleesi are bff's now and we can finally commence some action. The friend zoned guy I don't know is he going to die in the fights or what? Maybe he needs to die as stone who poops gold or something. 
The other stark girl the one that kills makes progress with her training somehow, it was boring. 
Ok and now the best freaking part

Jon freaking Snow poops all over everyone. 
He gets so fancy and goes to the Wildlings and convinces part of them, and when they are departing towards the ship the zombies all the freaking zombies burst out and fight begins. Awesome scenes the camera moves around, looks something from the Lord of The Rings and 300, I think Gots zombies are better than The Walking Dead's, more realistic better VFX.
Then Jon Snow poops and fights a White Walker omg, he is going to kill Jon Snow and then Jon Snow pick ups the Valyrian sword I think, and WUT HE  kills him omg. Jon Snow rules haha, Maybe the sword is forged on dragon glass. Maybe. 
I don't know I don't even read the books just the Wikipedia summaries. 

And the amazing part where the White King or Night King I don't know revives all of the people just killed and shows Jon Snow and the others in the boat, that He is going to rekt everyone. And Jon Snow tries not to poop himself so hard. 
The next episode is going to be boring, because that is how it is I hope it is not as boring, the momentum gets lost. And so I have pooped everything out and I can begin wiping myself...

here is an amazing Jon pooping snow drawing