Showing posts with label goat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label goat. Show all posts

Thursday, June 11, 2015

So much poop

There is so much poop

There is so much poop in the world what can we do??!?

I can't do poop anymore without looking at poop and trying to not to see it. I see goat poop everywhere, goat milk is everywhere it is very expensive even thought it shouldn't be OMG
Goats poop everywhere and sing better than Taylor Swift.
HAve you seen those videos in youtube where the goat sings... Imagine poop singing
Imagine all the people trying to take a dump and singing ooooooooo

Everything is awesome everything is good when they are out of the toilet everything is awesome when they think about goats......

sorry no inspiration to talk about crap today sorry again

here amazing goat poop san

I dont know why blue okay?
it is the devil