Monday, June 8, 2015



Farts are some sort of magical ideal gas that provides us with excellent scent and odor. It is the fragrance of the gods, we cannot judge farts as simple as they are.
Farts are so complicated even though I said simple. But yeah, this how this blogs work, just words trying to fulfill a roll. Yes the roll of getting people to try to read it till the end.
so where were we?
( I had to wipe my anus once more just to be sure it had no more poop)

So yeah farts
Farts the glorious mystical references to the universe. Not 42, 42 is not the complete answer to the question okay>

Farts are so mysterious that when you try to fart in public and it feels wet you may not know if you just pooped yourself.
There are various theories in science as why do farts and sharts are so hard to distinguish from one another. Historians recall that long before the invention of the wheel sharts were already a problem. An anthropological and socio-economical problem that we have to deal with yet.

So this is just a draft of the drawing
I had not so many intentions of writing today but whatever keep the blog alive

here amazing drawing

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