Showing posts with label google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label google. Show all posts

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I have nothing to write

But I still have to.....

So I have had some private messages on the  facebook page wanting  to have sex with poop, and I must say  THIS IS NOT WHAT I MEANT WHEN I CREATED THIS OMG
TO DRAW FREELY STUPID DRAWINGS OF KAWAII POOP and toilet supplies and accessories, is not that hard.
This is not a sexual blog. We may write about sexual stuff but only as jokes or satires.
We do not want to poop in each other like 2 Girls 1 Cup and vomit and eat okay?
If you look for coprophiliac or scat, this is not it okay?
I made this blog to cure my boredom and isolation from the world, so that people that like to draw poop and stuff would also find this blog and realize they are not alone. Lately I've been writing about movie reviews, philosophical stuff, and tv series and anime, okay? is not about scat NEVER
We do not like scat, we find it disgusting and gross.
We do not condemn your tastes, we just won't write about it here. Everyone has its fetishes. We respect them, but we do not like it and we will never post stuff about that, except as a joke.
For example now, I will tag all this words just to get more views, OKAY
I AM in NEED of MONEY and as I always or sometimes write I hope google adsense will increment the stuff and pay something. One day I hope this blog gets a little more decent in views and ratings but not about sex, porn, scat or related themes. It is okay if you like that, but for that there is pornhub and youporn, and xvideos and all the million porn sites in the goddamn web, so please just don't get confused this is not that kind of blog or facebook page. Even the title says it "NOT A POOP FETISH" meaning that we just draw poop and we don't even take pictures of poop that is disgusting for us. There are pages like rate my poop for that. okay?

Please if you like this blog or facebook page, we appreciate it but we won't supply you with scat, porn, sex, dating sites, or similar stuff. THAT IS NOT IT GOSH

Thank you
here is an amazing poop drawing
We are innocent manchildren that have issues with social life and internet autism we are not a porn site. this is just a warning

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Sorry no poops lately!!

We apologize for the intermission

We have been pooping in different places at a time to improve our writing in the toilet skills!
We have now a smartphone and we can write about our poop in the toilet more often.
Is this some kind of miracle? Is this our new life in poop?
Have you accepted poop as your only hope to live for.
You don't need anything more than poop in life!
Your poop is your friend your poop is your cousin your poop is your master your poop is your senpai!

Senpai poop notices you! Every day of your life you poop!
Unless you are constipated or weak, or you have no anus.
Anus is the way of poop and poop is the way to love.
Love thy poop as ye love thyself and ye will have a healthy food/poop relationship.

That is what matters now a days. The food you eat is the poop you will defecate. Everytime you eat more than you can poop you get fat and if you get fat your hips won't fit the toilet when you are pushing hard and crying for the poop to get out. So you need to eat nutrients that will help your anus throw your poop slowly and beautifully fast  enough to not stay  more than forty eight hours in the toilet.
When you stay forty eight hours in the toilet there is no 420 there is no life, your legs get numb, your life gets numb, you pee less. you dehydrate, you will lose your life.
You must not stay forty eight hours unless you have a fridge nearby.

Life with poop is life with health, life with poop is moderation.
Moderation is a word I don't really know but it helps to say that every time senpai poop gives me the bad look of a cosmetic product.

Cosmetic products are for gay poops okay?
you don't need that!

you need to poop hard, big and explosive! that is your law now.

Now I am going to talk about homophobia day, I didn't know it was a thing.
But okay.....
And it will get me more views on this boredom blog of hellish poop.
Homophobia's are like equally poops that have fear of each other, something like diarrhea and splash diarrhea they fear their reflection in the water. That is why they splatter all over the walls of the toilet and get sticky with it.  It is not nice to have diarrhea spots in the toilet because if you are pooping then you are peeing and if your pee tool doesn't stretch to the other side then you cannot get rid of the diarrhea spots.
That is all I am going to talk about homophobic poops, because I don't want international issues to take upon tissues and get in the way of poop telling.
Poop is art.

And also because that is all I know about poop homophobia. Me so intelligent, me so wow, much nerdy much study very brain, so knowledge. Wow Amaze

Dogs have poop also. I have written about this before but I am reminding you that so that you don't feel alone in the poop world.
I think I have written enough to give up in life and start a new poop every day like always.
So get rekt today and forever and you will have more poop. noob senpai notice m google adsense senpai please notice me I want money and poop is love so money helps love develop please google adsense-chan help me help my situation I am poor and my poop also, I need my poop to become richer so that the grass grows taller.

I miss writing poop so much so I try to give it a little more effort on this drawing. It helps me with my boring life. Thank you so much for those who get to read to this point and I am sorry that you do that seriously not even I would read it to this point.  fek

Here is the amazing drawing. Pece

Sunday, March 22, 2015

It's raining paper or why google adsense didn't accept me :'(

Raining paper 

So... I wanted to get google adsense to love me but.... it didn't... so.. it said that I had to... ummm have more like... elegant content in this blog so... Here I was attempting to write more than 500 words:

Okay so… I made this drawing with no inspiration whatsoever. What I was trying to express was the feeling of despair when you are cleaning yourself after pooping and you just keep on tearing pieces and pieces of paper. Then you think you are all done and clean because you sense no wetness, just that hard dryness (I don’t know if dryness if the specific terminology, but Microsoft Word approves of it so… let it be), and suddenly you get another piece of toilet paper and it is still dirty. It’s like OH MY GOD why WHY!!!

I just pooped little babypoop #babypoop OKAY, it was small and cute and whatever and it is still DIRTY.
And it is not like the splashy dirty or the still rests dirty; it is just the LINES DIRTY, but yeah whatever….
So pieces of toilet paper come and go, come and GO.  This reminds me of the song Karma Chameleon by Culture Club. 

"I'm a man without conviction I’m a man who doesn't know how to see a contradiction you come and go you come and goooo karma karma karma karma chameleon!!! You come and go
Pooping would be easy if your colors were like my dream: White no gold and clean, white no gold and clean…."
Something like that
So I've reached 256 words by now, I can’t think of anything more but okay:
"Karma karma karma chameleon you poop and go you poop and go
Every day is like a  survival you are my paper not my rival…..
You come and goooo you come and goo"
Okay 305 words I think it is something with better content isn’t it??? If not then  F U, J, I just wanted to draw poop… Is it so wrong is it???

Here is the drawing:

P.S.I did it I got google adsense-sama's approval I am happy!!!