Monday, June 22, 2015

Square poop


This illumination came to me in the morning while taking a dump.... as always....
Imagine you pooped squared, imagine how hard that would be to get out! how would it feel?
Would that also mean that your anus is a squared pipeline?
Holy poop
Imagine when the poop could not fit in the square?
Imagine the pain of the edges touching the flat surface and screeching and scratching and friction and blood and hemorrhoids squared....
imagine your life as a Minecraft first person shooter game reality sims stuff....
would you be able to reach for the wiping>
would you be able to flush water
how could the toilet not be clogged all the time>
the mountain of poop will be square and blocky
everything is block everything!

So yeah the blocked squared poop came to me as an inspiration after watching Chappie.
Awesome movie
It shows the ill human nature and how humans tear everything apart.
Humans want to create for the "better good" or maybe just to prove to themselves that they can do better and humans are selfish not shell fish just selfish to the core. There is no goodness in the human conscience there is no good not not noneeeee.
Humans create to destroy and destroy to create, for their own good.
So chappie was an artificial intelligence project and it evolved better than humans and could transform the human conscience into data in order to transfer it to a metal body and so on.
That was soo cool
The producer and director of that movie are so damn good I think it is better than District 9, it was awesome.

I am not going to spoil more because I am lazy when the movie is so good.

I also watched Focus, and it was a so so movie I didn't like the ending. Will Smith is getting old.
WHy couldn't he pick the role for Independence Day 2?
I don't know
And now I am watching Monsters: Dark Continent
the first movie was good even though it had no big budget this one is entertaining so far.
The director really knows what he is doing and the story revolves around human emotions and the humans adapting to the alien invasion and the normal conflicts. it is a good mix.

So now the blocked or squared poop will show itself to you
Just look at those kawaii squared eyes so kawaii
and that smile

here is the drawing

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