Tuesday, June 23, 2015


gaming on youtube

I am watching another vice documentary this one is about competitive gaming or esports. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=of1k5AwiNxI
I think this is something I knew about but never really noticed until now. What am I doing with my life????
The reporter was so funny he couldn't believe what he was informing and researching. His face all the documentary was of "weird awe, what am I doing with my life?, how could this be? wtf"
I have played League of Legends but I don't really like strategy games and games where you see from above it is annoying somehow. I am sorry

I will play online minigames and record myself from now on seriously
maybe I'll get something on youtube
maybe maybe not
maybe fek you
but I don't know.....
I am trying to look for a better angle and everything so that it doesn't seem so lame. I am poor
I am poor as poop
I have no gaming skills I played Nintendo 64 long time ago and Xbox 360 until the red ring of death showed up I hated that so much I considered myself a good player but now I only played on pc Fall Out 3 and similar games and really don't know how am I playing with no mouse ahha just with the laptop touchpad.

It is hard but whatever I will try it.

So yeah this is a drawing of a gaming poop I hope it looks like pew die pie or something like that.

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