Tuesday, July 7, 2015

July 7: Terminator Genysis Review

July 4+3 

It was murica's birthday and I did not wrote about it what is wrong with me>??!?
maybe because poop in america is consumed so fast by toilets. Those toilets rawr
they are so powerful and potent they think they can overrule the tolietworld
but no, there are laws in sanitary bible that we must follow until the end and stop everything from corroding the toilet insides.
Yes the insides are so hot omg so attractive and seductive to poop that they melt inside.
Have you not seen that ??
me neither

I am just lustful for poop melting now, imagine if you could melt poop into a sword.
and it will stick together and smell so "good".
So maybe a poop light saber will be made of farts or something like that.

My thoughts are so wrong on many levels.
Level 1: poop jumps out of toilet
Level 2: poop jumps and lands on bathroom floor.
Level 3: poop jumps and lands on bathroom floor and jumps again in the toilet.

Yeah I don't know where I was going with that....
I was watching falling skies but I think I skipped whole season 4 I really don't remember the show has become so bad and static I really don't know what is going on. I watched the first episode of season 5 and it was boring. sorry the series has gone bad.
I don't know why some series go so bad and boring,  I mean every series has a low point but some series can overcome that and appeal again.
But falling skies went low and it has not risen again.
I am afraid Game of Thrones would follow this next season.
And I don't know if I would watch the Walking Dead side story Fear the Walking Dead I don't know.
I am not eager to know.

oh yeah I saw terminator genysis what a rip off
was that
that movie was alive because Arnold was in it.
THAT and ONLY THAT is the reason people will watch it.

They changed everything well not everything they just messed up more with the timelines and it was only a prequel to the sequel, if ever made.
It could be interesting to see what the hell is going to happen with Kyle Reese and Khaleesi and how Arnold will die in the sequel but seriously it was a whole mess trying to fix the previous messes and now it is a whole new mess it is officially a reboot and I don't know what will happen.
Here is a little summary of the movie:

john connor sends kyle reese while skynet changes john connor into faggit terminator. Kyle finds Sarah connor and she saves him faggit, Then Arnold saves them and sends them to 2017, they stop genesys which is faggit skynet and kill john connor terminator, arnold evolves into the evil terminator of the third movie and there is not john connor in the making yet AKA no sex between sarah and kyle. and skynet was not killed WOW so much wow much unexpcted ......--.-

that's it I wrote a lot I hope it gets through your pooping hearts and minds

and here is the most profound and artistic drawing ever

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