Monday, September 21, 2015


I have not written in a long time

I will not excuse myself
Because I am arrogant and I must do this to fulfill my duty as poop master ok?

In the long time I have not written I have seen so little and experienced so much diarrhea that I do not have enough words to describe it.
So as final resource I will review the Death Note Drama

it is crap
full of crap
it started really good
then it turned to crap
then L dies and turned awesome and
then Near/Mello stupid crap comes which ruined it
then Light is going to win and it becomes awesome
and then the end
was the worst thing ever
not because light always dies
but because they made his death so miserable
dying in fire trying to get the death note and the eyes
Light  would have never done that

attack on titan
the live action movie

they changed almost everything
mikasa in love with ripoff levi
and eren is the one in love with mikasa what
and then eren almost has sex
and then wtf
but still I'll watch the second movie
just because

thatis it
this is an abstract drawing
hate me more
my poop is so weak and explosive

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