So now I am going to fangirl about poopy trailers, especifically DC trailers.
I don't watch arrow or flash but the legends of tomorrow trailer was pretty awesome, maybe one day I'll watch those shows.
that was wee wee awesome
We get to see robin's suit with a message from the joker, implying robin's death. We get to see Batman in the desert. We get to see superman as god and hated by humans also. We see zodd's dead body controled by Luthor. We see wonder woman and wee see a guy drowning haha We see cool fights, and possibly a fight not only with batman and superman but also doomsday? or some one.
It was awesome.
The suicide squad trailer was more awesome seriously.
It had the Bee Gee's it was a joke or something like that I don't know how the song is called as soundtrack implying puns haha and we see a lot of harley quinn she hot damn
but haha we see will smith doing his thing as will smith in will smith's movies we see all the members we see katana, and the other guy and the other guy and that other guy and that other girl and batman and we see the joker, Jared Leto will be a good joker I guarantee it My poop guarantees it.
If you have seen the animated suicide squad movie, escape from arkham I think it is called you'll see how awesome will it be.
I think they will be awesome movies.
Another trailer that is not from DC
was the walking dead's season 6
I still don't know where this season will go, but it is not lame but it doesn't capture my curiousty so I don't know if I'll poop watching that series yet.
I hope I poop.
here is the drawing
keep pooping
keep cloggin the toilet