Monday, September 21, 2015


I have not written in a long time

I will not excuse myself
Because I am arrogant and I must do this to fulfill my duty as poop master ok?

In the long time I have not written I have seen so little and experienced so much diarrhea that I do not have enough words to describe it.
So as final resource I will review the Death Note Drama

it is crap
full of crap
it started really good
then it turned to crap
then L dies and turned awesome and
then Near/Mello stupid crap comes which ruined it
then Light is going to win and it becomes awesome
and then the end
was the worst thing ever
not because light always dies
but because they made his death so miserable
dying in fire trying to get the death note and the eyes
Light  would have never done that

attack on titan
the live action movie

they changed almost everything
mikasa in love with ripoff levi
and eren is the one in love with mikasa what
and then eren almost has sex
and then wtf
but still I'll watch the second movie
just because

thatis it
this is an abstract drawing
hate me more
my poop is so weak and explosive

Monday, August 10, 2015

Fantastic 4 Review 2015


Shame on this movie
shame on it

I think the previous ones were way better
This one had the actors, the visual effects the script at least 3/4 of it
and then
IT collapsed
in less than 13 minutes
what happened
it was building so well
the story was growing
the characters where developped
and then
out of nowhere
well not out of nowhere but
it felt so weird like an episode of the walking dead
and then they are suddenly happy
the battle is like 30 seconds long and they defeat Dr. Doom so easily it is so awful
what happened
why was the movie not longer
I blame the editors here
because it started slowly getting good and then

so yeah total crap
my crap this morning clogged 2 toilets
I am much impressed with my anus
and although I have not written every day like always I still think I can poop a little just a little once a week now.

I have been busy now :'(
so busy
it is lame

So I watched also Kiseiju or Parasyte the movie it felt weird and rushed
the actor was not like the character in the anime or the manga It felt weird
but at least it was way better than Fantastic Four

And I have been watching the Death Note Drama
and  it started good the actor for Yagami Light does it very well
but I think L is lacking way too much.

so yeah and now the aweful drawing
I spend like 3 minutes

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Pixels review


I saw this movie and I have never felt so ashamed of myself even watching national geographic pooping in lions is way better.
I think this movie had a cool idea and then they took it and said fek it we are adam sandlers poopers so we can do an adam sandler normal bad movie and they did it.
Why did they have to produce it with so much idiocy that is not funny anymore.....
I mean older adam sandler movies were not that bad except omg the one where adam sandlers is his own sister seriously.....
I mean remember click THAT was a good movie
I could poop and everything and it would make me poop softer and smoother yeah those were good times.
This time I putted a little more effort in the drawing I drew a pixel poop

so nice
it is way better than the movie
the amount of art amazeing



Wednesday, July 29, 2015

windows 10


I am sorry I have not posted anything lately but I was sort of busy with stuff other than poop and interestingly I have pooped so little and not AT 6 AM like always but at 12 PM OMG 6 hours of difference is better than that song from deorro 5 hours ahh ahh ahh ahha ahhh, yeah not the version with chris brown fek chris brown looks like a clown everywhere......
so I upgraded to windows 10 and the only thing I do not have is cortana but everything else OMG
IT JUST TOOK LIKE 1 hour and a half but
and so many restarts
this is awesome
I think my ram will appreciate this and I hope cortana comes cums haha to my region soon.
If not I might have to tweak that but whatever.

So after effects runs better and faster as illustrator, word and office is the same photoshops runs faster and now the moment you've all been waiting for....internet explorer AKA Edge,
it is slightly faster than opera but never as fast as google chrome, it feels like safari or something like that I don't think I will use it so whatever

then there is no more start screen, even though I liked it, it is minimized and it resembles somewhat like a pro menu of windows xp, everything is really square and all my pirated software runs smooth no problems no need to crack it again or patch it.

I am so happy now I am taking such a big dump
and yeah so I clogged the toilet so hard yesterday My mother doesn't let me poop in that toilet so I only have one toilet left to clog and I am out.
This is so sad for the prophet of poops and I don't even know why.
I watched the Psycho Pass movie IT WAS AWESOME
but I expected more story not some side story... sighs

so good battles kogami for the win and that....

I am  currently watching a lot of animes and working on various amvs since it is time of contests and I shall participate to upgrade my level HOHOH
if i must
lets give you a kawaii windows 10 poop drawing

here it is

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

BAnana poop not minions

feking minons

I just pooped twice and in a row and I clogged the toilet not even clogging it from inside like always but outside seriously, it didn't even go through the hole the toilet could still keep running water
and you know why!
because it was shaped like a banana
and banana hard banana if you know what I mean

It was so hard so that I had to poke it with a toothpick to destroy it and let the water take it all.

Bananas are for minions but minions suck really suck
such a disaster
It is worse than my little pony
and I haven't seen my little pony the new series just the old one.
I have no real desire to keep writing so here is the banana poop
i made
amaze yourselves.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Wisdom tooth poop

Hardcore antman

I got my wisdom teeth extracted last friday, that is why I was so lazy and didn't poop at all (jk) lol  360 no scope

I never imagined it would take so long to get them extracted it was 3 hours of drilling my bone, awesome it felt like a SAW movie. well not felt, but I saw as I maintained the mouth opened, that was the hardest part, I can now understand you whores :P

I have no gag reflex if you know what I mean after spitting so much blood, that's what she said LOL GET REKT NOOB 720 NO SPOKE MLG

I could have drawn poops but I really didn't felt like it and instead I saw antman
faking antman
It was a good movie
they even mention spiderman as "we got someone who crawls"
Falcon gets rekt by antman
and who knew that Paul Rudd could be a good actor. HAHA
359 no scope
this is a short one and non inspired stuff/poem about poops and wisdom tooth

wisdom poop
wisdom teeth
wisdom scoop
wisdom myth
I forgot
how to dream
about your mom
every stream
I had enough of your pain
and I have lost my gain
I need to crap
But I can't tap
the sadness in my poopless heart


so now a haiku :

people die poop hurts
when you shart after hard teeth
extraction... now die

Teeth extraction goes with four anesthesia injections and  then they open mouth and begin destroying bone until no wisdom tooth is left. It takes more than 3 hours and if the roots are deep it takes more time and effort. The dentists sweat like pigs and yours truly too. You must grab your pain and feel it in your bones while opening your mouth, in a way it is like a violation. But then you begin to feel muscle pain not from your mouth but from you neck and back it is hard.

Then after they destroy the evil wisdom teeth they will clean your mouth yesh so clean so blood no traces just outside

and then you will try to poop and it will hurt cause you are hurting yourself cause you cannot use your teeth for strength anymore you failure
you are such a failure
this is not motivational
this is a love song this is goodbye

amazing drawing down below my anus

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

I've been seeing crap

Crap everywhere

I have seen crap everywhere in my body lately. In my dreams not in reality so don't be scared okay?

I have seen poop all over me pouring like chocolate over a strawberry. It has been so hard for me not to mention it or anything like that.
I have an issue it is not a sexual fetish it is just this dream that re
peats itself everyday since last week.
I am walking towards the zoo in a forest in some place and there is an amusement park not like jurrasic wolrd yesh jurrasic world cus emerherd derp derp
but  yeah so I run into a cage with a lot of tigers or mountain lions I don't even know they are cats, or something and then they start to curl around me like cats and then they bite me and I can't bleed but both of them bite me in both legs I don't know how it doesn't hurt I don't know why.
Then I try to fart and I can slowly escape literally slow motion camera escape and I see as the cats try to chase after me but I some how run faster than them and then I fall into a pond of crap literal poop liquid poop diarrhea and then  I wake up but before waking up I see clowns and a circus and red lights all in fast flashing pictures
I am so dead
I feel so dead inside
It is a weird dream

but it is how it goes
and I don't know what more to write
so I'll talk about oremonogatari
it is a funny anime
seriously they so cute but so dumb it is the manliest shoujo anime and manga I have read and seen awesome
It is awesome
kawaii DAISUKI
so much weeabooing my hurt my dreams again
why is spiderman not tall We will never know
I am getting so bad at writing this blog
not that
it was an awesome blog
for writing
it is lame and more lame every day
i hope you criticize my lameness
I don't care
the only awesome crap about this blog
is the awesome drawings
yes is not are
hate me
hate me
here is the amazing drawing
I upload it with my heart and soul
so much satisfaction
elvis would be jelly
so art so wow very ingenious
much wow
much expression