Sunday, March 22, 2015

It's raining paper or why google adsense didn't accept me :'(

Raining paper 

So... I wanted to get google adsense to love me but.... it didn't... so.. it said that I had to... ummm have more like... elegant content in this blog so... Here I was attempting to write more than 500 words:

Okay so… I made this drawing with no inspiration whatsoever. What I was trying to express was the feeling of despair when you are cleaning yourself after pooping and you just keep on tearing pieces and pieces of paper. Then you think you are all done and clean because you sense no wetness, just that hard dryness (I don’t know if dryness if the specific terminology, but Microsoft Word approves of it so… let it be), and suddenly you get another piece of toilet paper and it is still dirty. It’s like OH MY GOD why WHY!!!

I just pooped little babypoop #babypoop OKAY, it was small and cute and whatever and it is still DIRTY.
And it is not like the splashy dirty or the still rests dirty; it is just the LINES DIRTY, but yeah whatever….
So pieces of toilet paper come and go, come and GO.  This reminds me of the song Karma Chameleon by Culture Club. 

"I'm a man without conviction I’m a man who doesn't know how to see a contradiction you come and go you come and goooo karma karma karma karma chameleon!!! You come and go
Pooping would be easy if your colors were like my dream: White no gold and clean, white no gold and clean…."
Something like that
So I've reached 256 words by now, I can’t think of anything more but okay:
"Karma karma karma chameleon you poop and go you poop and go
Every day is like a  survival you are my paper not my rival…..
You come and goooo you come and goo"
Okay 305 words I think it is something with better content isn’t it??? If not then  F U, J, I just wanted to draw poop… Is it so wrong is it???

Here is the drawing:

P.S.I did it I got google adsense-sama's approval I am happy!!! 

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