Wednesday, May 27, 2015


This is awesome

The terrorism factions in the toilet have now begun to understand each others ideals and their common goal. Their common goal: destroy the toilet. To do this they must help each other and unite. They must mix together as a sole mass. Ass an ass ass an as an anus yeah syllable game yeah

Their power united is like five jet fuels in the 9/11 accident, even Bush couldn't have thought of THIS. THIS is why I am writing in capslock. 
Bush has no the answer to everyone and everything because Bush is a plant such as Bush Gardens. 
And Obama is hiding everything from us because he poops in different locations at different time zones, there is no escape to the conspiracy, there is no POOP inside a toilet anymore or a toilet paper roll in the public restrooms. Walmart doesn't have automatic toilets anymore is this because of skyline haha no it iskynet. So yeah the girl from game of thrones the hot one khaleesi it is hard to write that name, I can only imagine all the ghetto and ratchet girls named as her, but anyway, yeah that girl is in the new terminator movie which looks somewhat awful but until seen no judgment done. 
But yeah in the last game of thrones the queen mother queen cersei yeah thanks poop-sama got caged by the religious fanatics, and according to wikipedia's summary of the books, she will get naked soon!!

yeah so closing that parenthesis, 
the situation in the middle toilet has not changed since yesterday both toilet papers and poops are blasting the toilet as hard as they can. They do not care about religion or religious freedom any more they only want to blast the toilet they shout ALLAHU AKBAR  to the sky singing ALLAHU ALLAHU ALLAHU AKBAR bombs and kamikazes yay.

Poor toilet it is going to die, its drainage is going to get stuck so hard, and its hole is not going to be enough with all that material girls going inside it. Water will not overflow but it will use misdirection as Kuroko does in Kuroko no  basuke, and for those who have not read the manga yeah they win the game, in a miraculous shonen way.  
And that is how that manga ends, so sad. 

Now that the poops and tps are getting hard and breaking apart Toilet-kun, Finger senpai and Un-plugger sama are not here to help and we will see the continuation of this story in another episode of I DONT GIVE A POOP ABOUT SELF-RESPECT anymore, since ever. 

Pece out
get rekt
the amazing drawing down below....
my anus

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