Thursday, May 28, 2015

Poop Work OUT

Yes we do work outs now

Hello fellow citizens or denizens of the toilet area, here we are united together all of us inside us, to follow the instructions and wisdom and knowledge of Ripped-poop.
RP has a 6 pack and awesome pecks even though poops have no body RP HAS.
RP has always been the most powerful and useful in the poop realm, because of its sexiness and harshness.   RP is so hard to get out of your anus that you will bleed and it hurts itai itai and there is nothing you can do to stop RP from getting out once its head is out or lower body. IF YOU STOP PUSHING it will hurt more and RP will be cut in half and the half that continues inside your anus will stay there UNTIL there is another poop.  AND IT WILL ITCH AND HURT like hell. There is no salvation no not one.
Respect RP it is the saviour of humanity and toiletry. OMG GOOGLE WHY DO YOU HATE BRITISH WORDS SO MUCH GAAAAAAAD I can't write saviour as saviour I have to write it as savior. I think my settings are in american I must change it. Murica. There is no freedom and no 9/11.  It was all a lie. America controls everything and their poops are incoming towards every other country. It is not safe for everyone or anyone. Poops protect your children and toilet papers fix yourselves.

Okay so RP is going to tell us how It got its six pack:
RP: "SO like ummm while passing through the intestinal conduct as I was created. my lower body and upper body had to move a lot and maintaining a hollow body position and front levers and back levers and dragon flags all over my journey..... Oh like the hobbit but more boring... So then When I got to the anus I realized I was too ripped to get through so I had to work my biceps and triceps and deltoids and stuff and pecs and collarbone and nipples.... Yeah it was hard, But I used my knowledge in calisthenics and gymnastics to do that, there were no lifts there... the only stuff you could lift was yourself! You'll amaze yourself what you can do inside the rectum haha haha... so finally I was strong enough to get out of the anus and splashed into the toilet water and realized that I wouldn't dissolve like the other poops... that is the moment I knew I was special... so I am going to show an easy workout routine that will help you acquire the fitness and muscle development you desire....

Do this only in the toilet:
Sit ups from the toilet: 3x25
Pistol squats: 3x15 each leg (don't touch the water)
diamond push-ups: 3x10 with legs in the upper toilet
pylometric or dynamic push ups: 3x5 with legs in the upper toilet
clap push up or double clap: 3x5 trying to get higher than the toilet seat and returning to ground without splashing all over like diarrhea
planche from the toilet 30 secs x5
handstand pushups from toilet seat 3x5
dragon flags from upper toilet 3x15
That is all you have to do
and when you fall into the toilet water do 35min of swimming in circles before it flushes in.

I hope this helps you get a better and healthy poop body"

So there it is RP is giving you what you need next time RP will give you its villi diet.

Wow so fat so amazing so hardcore very wow much awe
here the amazing drawing, well it is a motivational poster fat people of the world.

Make your poop be slimmer now! CALL I-DONT-CARE-800 right now and you will get free toilet paper sheets to wipe your poop sweat off.

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